My friend just dumped me?

Discussion in 'General' started by StickyIkyMarley, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Ok so I come home from buying an 1/8th and get on Facebook, I see my ex S so I start talking to her. She tells me T (They are dating now.. she lives out of state now so it is really pathetic) is talking shit about me... So I write "of course that asshole is he has been a bitch lately" and S then tells T what I said and he comes back with something about how he doesn't like me and all of that shit.... Me and this guy have been tight as hell for 6 years. I would even go as far to say I loved this guy more then Family....

    I am not going to pretend like this doesn't hurt me... But the last year or so he has pretty much found a friend to replace me and he started hanging out with the popular assholes who are total assholes to anyone that doesn't wear a DC hat or ride a faggy BMX....

    This year has been awful..... My teachers won't give me a fair grade strictly because I smoke, my friends are becoming assholes and my mom spends her days insulting me for smoking weed and saying how I am going to be a worthless stoner.......
  2. I'm really not trying to be a dick sir, and I am drunk in fairness, but I didn't really get anything you were saying.
  3. Sounds like stereotypical high school bullshit.

    Make new friends that smoke and aren't assholes.

    Or just find friends that aren't assholes and then introduce them to smoking.
  4. Yup, high school drama bullshit.

    As someone who's at least twice your age, the best advice I can give you is just move on. Friends come and go. You'll gain and lose many more friends and lovers over the years, and in twenty years you probably won't even remember this jerk-off or the girl.

    Just put it out of your mind and be a better person.
  5. Fuck them.
    As for your friend, well, he basically dosent matter if hes gonna act like that. No reason to even tell him that hes being a douche, he knows what hes doing.

    As for you mom, well, i guess shes wasting an education on a lazy stoner. Sucks for her.

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