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My Friend Got Fucked Up

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by experimentalist, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Hello!

    I figured I'd come back with another story from a few years back. This was in the winter
    of 2006.

    I was out, sick, with a cold. I hadn't been to work in a few days, and was taking it
    easy at home. Part of my nightly routine to break the cold was to take a long hot bath
    around 10:30pm. Well I also like to smoke a joint while I bathe, so I brought one

    I had smoked the joint about halfway and had a great buzz going when I heard a
    "BAM! BAM! BAM!" at my back door. Then the doorbell once. I was thinking "what
    the fuck? fuck that... im not getting out of this bath for someone at the door at
    11pm". I figured it would be one of my friends, drunk, wanting to come in for "just a few
    minutes" (and end up being there for hours). but then I thought, "hmm, that might be
    the cops! that sucks" so I just chilled in the tub, figuring I may as well make the best of
    whatever the situation was going to turn out to be. About ten minutes passed, and
    nothing. No more doorbell or banging at the door, nothing. So, relaxed, I finished
    off the joint over the course of 30 minutes. I got out of the tub, dried off, put
    on some pants and grabbed a shirt. I walked out to my living room, which has a large
    window near the door. Through the window, I see a dark figure slumped against the
    glass. I am, for a second, taken aback by the sight, not having expected to see a
    person there.

    I throw on my shirt and open the back door to find my friend Pipe standing there,
    babbling incoherently, and reeking of whiskey. I pull him inside as its very cold
    outside and walk him over to my couch and sit him down. He smelled very strongly
    of booze and this guy is known to overindulge in his drinking! So I try talking to him,
    to see whats up with him and gague his condition. He had to have been standing there
    since I heard the banging at the door, 40 minutes earlier at that point.

    He is just all over the place until for a second he becomes lucid and asks me "Are the
    police here yet?" and I immediately get the chills. I'm like "Pipe, why would the police
    be coming here?" and I'm already thinking of everything I need to do to clear my house
    of weed and pipes, etc, before the cops arrive. He just repeats the question. "Are the
    police here yet?" "The police are coming" "The police are on their way here" and then he
    starts peeling off his winter clothes, his boots go flying, and next thing I know here he
    is standing in his normal clothes, staring into a mirror on my wall. He cant seem to break
    away from that mirror gaze. So he says to me "I'm cold" and he puts his coat back on,
    then he goes into my basement. I tell him "Man you gotta come upstairs" and he
    says "Why?" and I said "Because you have to come upstairs" -- by this point Im thinking
    he is fucked up on more than just alcohol. He walks up the stairs and lays on the
    couch and is out cold. I grab my box that I keep all my weed/accessories in and I put
    it inside two bags and run across my neighbors back yard to a little shrub area and stash
    it all away, then I run home. Now if the police come, I've got nothing illegal here.

    Next thing I know, my friend is awake again, and hes asking if the police have come
    yet, and he starts pulling THOUSANDS of dollars out from his pockets and tries to give it
    to me! He must have had five grand on him, all in 100s. I'm freaked out now, thinking
    he's robbed a store or worse, killed someone. I grab his phone and call his Wife. No
    answer! I call again, and again, no answer. I leave a message, hang up, and call his
    Brother, who is a close friend of mine as well. He answers the phone sleepily, and
    I say to him "Steve, your brothers fucked up I need you at my house NOW" and he says
    "ok" and hangs up. He lives a good fifteen miles away, but he arrived at my door in
    record time. He came walking in and Pipe was on the couch asking me if I was a cop
    and if I was being scripted or prompted into what to say to him, by the police. I tell
    him that hes nuts and I'm not a cop! I explain the situation to his Brother, and we decide
    getting him out of the house and into a car is the best thing to do, so we can decide what
    to do with him. So it takes us like 20 minutes to dress him, stuff all his cash back into
    his pockets, and get him ready to go out to my friends car.

    We opened the door and we each have one of his arms, and we're dragging him between
    the two of us. As we leave, there just happened to be two cars driving by, seeing us
    dragging a man across the street into a waiting car :) It must have been funny for them!

    So we get him into the car and we're debating two possible destinations. Either the police
    department, because we think he may have been involved in a crime, and we dont want
    to be part of that; or take him to the Hospital, because he has been renovating a house
    that used to be a meth house, and we don't know what kinda stuff he may have gotten
    into by accident while working there. We eventually opt for the Hospital. Pipe was
    thinking that we were cops for sure when we talked about going to the Police at first. We
    figured if he had been in a crime, he'd have to go to the hospital anyways, and we'd be
    surprised if the cops weren't called when we got there.

    So we get him to the hospital and we ask him if he wants a smoke before we take him
    into the ER, he says no, so we walk into the ER and he tries to light up a smoke :) So
    we take him back outside for a few minutes, let him smoke, then returned to the ER.

    So we get in there and discover that since he isnt unconsious, or near death, we cant
    admit him. So we wait to try to get ahold of his wife who eventually showed up, drunk as
    hell, in tears, etc and we finally get him admitted after about 3 hours!" The police did
    show up at the ER but they wouldnt take him to "detox" or anything, so we could only
    sit there until his wife came.

    In all, that night sucked.

    Turns out, he was at the bar, got smashed, ran ito a friend of his who had some shrooms
    and he bougtht them all, ate a bunch, then came to my house to share, and then just
    flipped out! The money came from a car he sold earlier that night. I wish he would
    have just said he was on mushrooms, but he was so afraid that we were cops that he
    couldnt bring himself to say it.

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  2. A great story as always :)
  3. Damn dude, i would have been pissed if i found out he was only freaking out on mushrooms haha.

    But +rep because it kept me occupied in my insomniac state on a tolerance break :hello:
  4. im kinda drunk atm but srsly i love a good read =]
  5. Glad you enjoyed it :)

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  6. Good read.

  7. Great story. It's nice to see someone actually using grammar and paragraphs instead of an illegible wall of text.
  8. I know its kinda lame to just say 'Good read, heres some rep' so I just wanted to say I hope your friend turned out okay. Loved the story though, it was good reading, hope to see more stories from you soon.
  9. Well done.

  10. #10 BongTechnician, Jun 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2009
    so in summary, your friend tripped face and you took him to the hospital...

  11. Yep, you got it! haha

    Nice pic :)

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  12. did your friend get in trouble for jackin that car?
  13. good read man, i found it very entertaining.
    heres a lil rep for ya
  14. What? No one jacked any cars man.

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  15. I just read all the stories in your sig and they are awesome!! Thanks for posting them man.
  16. Just think, if you had gotten out of the bath and he didn't trip in the cold for those 40min the night probably would have gone completely differently, starting with him sharing some mushrooms with you. Great story dude, +rep.
  17. All of them? That must have taken some time :) Thanks for reading!

    Yeah no shit eh.. know what sucks? He said that after I didnt answer the door, he
    ran and stashed the rest of the shrooms somewhere cause he thought the cops were
    after him, and he came back to my door. I found his one glove near where he said
    he stashed the shrooms, but we never did find them.

    Thanks! :)

    :bongin: ~Experimentalist
  18. dude, i feel for ya. my heart was pounding when he pulled out the money. :eek: sounds like something my best friend would do. she doesn't make the smartest decisions sometimes. i'm not saying eating shrooms are a bad decision, i'm just saying that would scare the shit out of me too.

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