i just found these forums and im pritty exited. my first time i smoked wasent to great, my friend had some bad stuff that dident really do anything for me so i really dont consider that my FIRST first try, but resently my cousin unexpectedly came over to my house and asked me if i wanted to light up a zig zag with him. and at first i thoguht it was just gona be a repeat of last time couse it really dident do anything, but after a few minutes, i was flying . my cousin said he never had saw anyone as cheesed as i was. we did everything from eating stuff to listening to music to just chilling on the pourch swing. it was one of the best expiriances ive ever tryed and i cant wait to try it again, idk when that will be thoguh. hopefully soon.
Same. I was like "Is that all?" my friend said "Fuck ya that was $120 worth of weed" The second time though I got fucked up.
Haha yah it was the second time I smoked that I got high, it was amazing. I then ate a footlong of only cheese and lettuce from subway...
the first time i smoked i didnt feel much since the people i was smoking with were smart enough to not waste weed on me. i got a couple hits shotgunned to me, that was it. the second time smoked a couple joints with my friends, then smoked bowls. needless to say, i was VERY blasted. congrats on findin the forum man! the community is glad to have you.
The first time I smoked, my girlfriend and I were watching her dad's house while he was out of town and she knew he had a stash, so we searched his closet and accidentally found his porn stash. So we smoked his bud and watched his porn, it was a blast.
my first time, oh god. we smoked 2 shit'ily rolled joints, and i got a little buzz but not anything that did anything. then i smoked a bowl with 2 of my friends, and wow. it was a shitty, little metal pipe with different colours. anadised or whatever. i floated home in slide show vision, but could snap myself out of it for 5 secs and become slideshowed again. was so sweet. word to topic poster: dont get into every day habbit. i wish i didnt, cause it would be so much better. i cant do a t break. a week or 2 for 3 days of getting stoned before the tolerance comes back
the first time i smoked, i went to my friends house when his parents werent home last summer day. his brother brought up a nice blunt and he ended up smoking most of it himself. i still wasnt jazzed and wanted more so we bought more and i took one bong hit (my friends were scum and tricked me to take a huge hit) and was in heaven. went inside and must of ate 10 grilled cheeses haha. ended up biking around town after
Damn first time I smoked, me and my 2-3? I forget exactly, friends tried smoking in 2 horrible wAys: a dollar bill joint which didn't work A fuckin receipt but we didn't even really bother inhaling that shit. Finally my friend pulls out a little corncob pipe from a party supply store and we tried to usethat, felt we didn't know how to inhale correctly... Ehh it would have worked if we'd actually pulled the flame into the bowl... First time I got high, my older brother smoked me out with like 3 bowls from his bubbler which was pretty awesome. I spent the night pretending to be a terrorist while my bro was a swat team guy or some shit. And I spilled salsa and chips all over myself.. Damn I miss that, it was the shit.
dude i gotta get my gf to smoke...she could really use it, but she thinks its evil. ....god help her.
I didn't get high until a year and a half of smoking. I would feel it a little, but it never actually hit me like its supposed to. I was so used to what I thought being high was like, that when I actually got baked for the first time, i started to freak out, and I though it was laced. But i got over it and it has probably been the highest i've ever been... the good old days...