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My first time gowing...NEED HELP

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by 2dutchesaday, May 25, 2009.

  1. #1 2dutchesaday, May 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2009
    Good thing I found this forum.
    I had about 9 out of 13 seed sprout.
    They are about 6 days old and the leaves are turning yellow.
    I have grown other plants and im pretty good at watering.
    Dont know the problem but I have pics.

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  2. They look ok to me.

    Well My plants are no longer outdoors. My back yard is 15 ft from a full park. (Basketball court, swings,benches etc)
    So I moved them indoors!!
    I didnt know to much about growing indoors but I said F*** it i will improvise :p
    I found an old Dresser in the basement drilled a hole in it put a light fixture through it
    and I put in 2 GE 100w Soft white lamp bulbs. Then I put a hole in a tin foil pan and put it over the lights.

    2 ft from my hook up is a fan on low.

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  4. Are my lights to low?
    Can I start cutting the leaves?
  5. switch to daylight cfl's for vegging and remember 100w for the first plant and 50w for each additional plant, happy growing.
  6. You need to spend some time reviewing the grow FAQ's around this site. You can't grow useful cannabis with those bulbs.
  7. OK I went and got Cfls.

    Today i noticed little red bugs running on my leaves :mad:
    Also one of my plants go burned, now what?
  8. #10 puff, Jun 6, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2009
    Really hard to say without a pick of the bugs. The best advice I can give now is instead of trying to get something, to kill the bugs, that will not kill the bugs and will prolly kill the plants instead - is to put them in a nice field somewhere. There are other bugs that will eat the bad bugs that are on your plant outside. All you have to do is prepare the soil, water and fert in a month and till fall.

    Read the grow guide sticky link I gave you and good luck.
  9. UPDATE!!!

    OK now the bugs are gone :hello:
    My plants are in good shape.
    I have eight plants under 2 42w cfls

    Most of the day they are in the backyard in DIRECT! Sunlight for 9-10hrs.
    Then they are under lights for 9 more hours.

    Best I can do until I get 400w HPS.

    I am trading my xbox 360 for one :).

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  10. Looking good bro. :D

    The only thing is its probaly time for a transplant, they are getting to big for those cups and will soon become root bonded, if they aren't already.

    I wouldn't trade my 360 for a lighting system, I love it to much to just trade away lol. :smoking:
  11. THX :)
    Well I have 4 modded systems so one wouldnt matter.
  12. I hate you :devious: lol jk.

    In that case you should dump another one and try to get a 600w HID :eek:

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