My first thread/post on gc to help my plant.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by AtticusFinch, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. #1 AtticusFinch, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Hey fellow blades. ive been lurking these boards for awhile now reading about growing and whatnot. and now i have a bit of a problem with my girl which has inspired me to post. She is about a week into flower and has already shown her glorious white hairs. everything was looking good, but when i checked on her today all of her leaves were drooped down as if the stems lost all rigidness, only the main stalk is still in good condition. i cant post a pic due to me not being able to locate my camera,:( but could someone please help me shed some light on the topic. i've heard this is somewhat normal during the flowering process (according to this

    edit: possibly overwatering??? if so would that correct itself in time??

  2. how moist is the soil when you water?is there any discoloration or just drooping?any other changes youve made sides the 12/12 light?
  3. leaves are a healthy green. when i first did the switch she drooped a bit, but popped back up the next day. and as for the soil, it is moist. but the day before i did water and ended up putting in a little too much for my liking.

    but if it is overwatering, would the plant recover if it recieved the normal amount of water?
    i really dont wont to lose this plant due to a stupid mistake as i have invested so much time into her
  4. Nutrient lockup. Either your PH is too high, or your PPM's are WAAAAYYY too high. What is your PH and PPM? No meter? There is your answer.

    The dead droopy shit is done for. Cut it off, it will not recover if it is as gone as I think. Recently I fucked up bigtime and lost 100 ladies in a big room. All of us must be very careful, even those with medium experience (myself).

  5. from the sounds of it(without pics)im sure you just overwatered.let her dry out good maybe get a fan in the area. try to let her dry out good before any watering in the future and im sure shell jump back.better it happened now than when in full bud and run the risk of bud rot.....keep us posted:smoking:
  6. #6 AtticusFinch, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010

    its not dead, just droopy, but thanks for the replies guys
  7. thank you this sounds like some remotely good news:) do you think i should wait for her to spring back up before the next water?

  8. As long as you dont think you fried her then I would flush her now and let her dry out. If you think she just got tooo wet then wait a good while til you give her more water.lift the pot and see how heavy it is. you only want to water when its really light or you can put your finger down past the first knuckle and its bone dry...water but if its water logged you prrobably dont have to water for a few:smoking:

  9. thanks man, i'll post back here either with some pictures or good(hopefully) news

  10. cool im sure it will work out....:smoking:

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