The Backstory: (skip to the story if you are to lazy to read this) Alright so this was over year ago, fuck I don't even know how long it is but I'd guess a year or more since Step Brothers had just come out on DVD. So I was in the 12th grade at the time, me and my 2 homies that have never done shrooms before wanted to, so we did em. Now I had only eaten a maximum of 2 g's my first time, and 1.5 my second (barely buzzed, leftover shit), I knew I was in for some fucking shit this time. Alright so I'm a small dude, 5'8 135ish, slim build with a little muscle on me, we each decided to do 3.5 each (me and my friend bought a quarter, and my other friend got a half quarter). Now that I've filled in the back story, let me begin the journey that blew my fucking mind for life. The Story: It's 9 o'clock my friends mother and father had left to hit up the bar. My friend T starts mashing them back first, and me and my friend follow suite 5-10 minutes later cause we were busting up dope. Okay so I brought my laptop and fired up Step Brothers and we all sat on his floor and started watching it. About 15 minutes into the movie my friend T who ate them first is laughing his ass off for no appearant reason and says with wide eyes half laughing "this is fuckin' awesome". Me and my friend B found this hilarious. 5 Minutes later it starts to hit me. I'm rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, not having visuals yet I tried to stay calm. The next 20 minutes we started laughing harder and harder at the movie and nothing at all until we all were lying on the ground rolling around. As I the trip started to get more and more intense I began squeezing this pollow as tight as I could. It was as though the softness of the pillow was some sort of safe-heaven cause I was really paranoid of sharp objects or doing something bad while I was tripping.. This is when the fucking visuals hit. His room became massive, like a gymnasium at a school, as if the walls had moved further apart. Instantly my mind was blown. I started looking at this flower chair and all the flowers and colours started swirling together like some sort of vortex. I don't remember what happened next but it consisted of me looking around the room tripping out on every stereotypical shroom hallucination you can think of. So step brothers keeps playing and I begin to watch it for some reason, and the part where Will Ferrell dresses up as a dead guy in a body bag to scare away his stepbrothers real-estate customers. This is where the trip went not bad I'd say but freaked me out for a sec. I had smoked alot of dope so I could handle a fair amount of parannoia. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood, I got the bad vibe from the bodybag scene. I just kept telling myself it's just the shrooms it's all in my head. I finally calmed myself down and realized I had to take a piss. I got up from lying on the floor (lol for like 2 hours both me and my 2 friends must have rolled around laughing for 45 minutes), and walked to the bathroom. This was the weirdest experience of my life, EVER. I opened the bathroom door and as I stepped through the door it was as if I was walking through some portal into some unknown universe of some sort. I don't know how to describe the feeling (anyone else get this?) but it was fucking intense. I somehow managed to piss without spraying it all over and walked back into my friend B's room. At this point we are still tripping but are coming down. So we regain composure (my friends were still on the floor at that point) and decide to go outside because my friend's want to smoke cigerettes. The ground appeared to be moving or wobbling (kind of like the earthquake spell from WC3 if anyone can relate haha) and we went into the shed to smoke some dope (his rents were cool with weed [both toked, god I love brackets] always let us rip there, so the neighbors don't see). We got stoned as shit until we came down. We were all mind blown as fuck and we all got stomach aches. That concludes my trip story, I hope it's not a big wall of text.
i do have to agree with you on the piss thing, that was a really strange experience for me too when i did em. it was like a whole different place but just my buddy's bathroom haha.
I put on Forsest Gump when I had a shroom party for 4th of July. My friends girlfriend said the movie was tripping her out, which it was but not as intense as she made it sound. Needless to say it was hard to focus on the movie but one person ended up watching most of it while the rest of us drank and talked.