My First REAL Lucid Dream..So Amazing

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by GrapDutchDrizzy, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. #1 GrapDutchDrizzy, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    My First Lucid Dream

    The Whole thing is very fleeting right now as i jot down all that i can retain...
    (i'll make this as user friendly as possible it looks like it might be long)

    B4 i went to sleep last night i sincerely thought of returning to a previous dream
    that i considered lucid enough. I thought about that other dream seriously and lovingly
    because it really was...

    I went outside, had a black & mild, and listened to 3 of my favorite Slum Village/ Tribe Called Quest songs.....

    My first GLIMPSE of what i was dreaming came after i was with my brother, cousin, and a handful of their college friends. A result of checking up on him on his Facebook before i had

    We were all running full speed around this track, seemingly suspended in bubble like contraptions, blasting off of ramps through the air..

    Things Started to get Fun as i started to wake up...I had been made fully aware of this state and this dreamland and either someone felt i oughta gtfo, or maybe i was far too excited...

    We had finished racing. I now walked beside my brother and his girlfriend Abigail.. All of a sudden the picture became grainier, but i knew this would happen..

    I fought to let the dream carry out in that real-time, everything-vivid sort of way, but this
    was about as effective as dressing up as the moon as if to compete with version was faulty and much less persuasive...

    So I began to think in pictures..and things became much more interesting.
    I thought in a frame by frame fashion and i was steadily being drawn back and invited
    to party again....

    I continued with my behavior and this method, vehemently trying to work this thing
    And for some reason i began to draw!

    could feel myself drawing during my sleep, just drawing and drawing
    and i was creating!
    i was creating this beautiful though amateur painting of some stick figure and the colors were so lively!

    as if i was painting with NEW colors, they were neonish and shined bright on the canvas of my pillow and bed and on my eyelids


    (*i was sleeping the whole time, still fighting my waking up)

    i drew a big stick figure, somehow i put him on a black canvas, and then i began to draw circles or moons around his head
    and the sweetest reggae music started playing as i twisted and turned with these circles
    almost like i was turning on volume nods, but the music volume never swayed

    I was back in the dream world, somehow i earned my stay, but those few seconds i toiled between this world and that, i will try very hard never to forget..
    its fleeting as we speak, sorry for the essay btw

    anyways, now i was engulfed in abstract thinking of some kind, everything that was PHYSICAL in THIS world
    was completely out of place in that world and not very solid looking either

    oh, and i was given the picture i drew as a keepsake and ill go to ms paint and give it my best shot, in hopes of sharing it

    anyways, cant remember much, my memory of the whole after part is starting to fade, but i did return to that race
    harnessed ,wire free, in my bubble and bursting a hundred miles an hour around that track with my brother and his friends

    i did employ a couple females to come and check me out during this vivid time...and well that was nice, lol..

    i forgot to mention that i was given a lot of answers to certain things about this world and that
    answers that needed no reasoning, no orator, no philosophy.. they were simply there to inform me, im not sure if it was a gift
    or what, but i forgot those answers, though i took back a few numbers to play my luck just in case haha

    i wrote this so maybe i could help a few others that study this lucid dreaming, im not sure if i did,
    and i hope i dont come off sounding idk, boastful or anything, just trying to share, thanks for reading if you did!
    id def give you a +rep ;)

    Here is the Muffin man that my vivid painting somehow became..this is my keepsake, lol...

    it might mean something... im not sure exactly what though...:confused:

    Attached Files:

  2. Cool stuff, i havnt lucid dreamed before as far as i can remember but oobe is pretty similar.
    You should check out lucid dream exercises you can do to help you become lucid more.

  3. i'll look up oobe, and i will check out those exercises, thanks a lot Peaceman, +rep to you as soon as i can

  4. Man that's awesome! I had my first full on lucid dream about a year ago. I looked up some lucid dreaming methods on the internet and have been having them prolly about once a month. Best thing ever!

  5. thanks man ,like i said in your +rep id def like to read that story sometime man, its some really amazing stuff.. this lucid dreaming
  6. ive only had one once.

    i took these sleeping pills called deep calm or something, containing melatonin which helps you lucid dream ive heard.

    anyway i had a dream i was standing in my driveway looking at my house, and for some reason i just KNEW i was dreaming. And i was like, holy shit if im dreaming i could do anything then right?

    so i look up and just jump up and start flying like in the matrix it was fucking AMAZING.

    I was flying over my town so fast and i could feel the wind in my face and it was so exhilarating my heart was pounding so fast that i woke up.

    then i fell back asleep and had another that i was fucking this chick and ate out her pussy and she gave me a blowjob yea! then i woke up slightly disappointed
  7. Every lucid dream I get involves people attempting to murder me.
  8. Congrats man. The first one is something you'll remember for ever. Hopefully it happens again for you real soon. Nothing beats waking up from a lucid dream. ;)

  9. haha, thats how my first semi lucid dream was, the one i talked about in my post, strait Zombie fest, haha, i loved it

    thanks man, i gotta spread some rep b4 i give it to you again, but i def got you, i appreciate the love man. writing it this morning, i felt as if it never happened, this is how elusive it was!
    but i still have a mental pic of what that drawing was kinda like, i've never seen colors more

  10. +rep, yea flying dreams are awesome man, i once had a dream i was pulling meteors down from space onto earth, standing in my drive way at night, FTW

  11. I'll fo sho type it up here once I get on a computer. (iPod is a pain in the ass to type a lot on.)
  12. Good stuff man, Ive never lucid dreamt before, im jealous lol
  13. I took Chantix to stop smoking and the dreams were unreal. Half the time I would wake up shaking. I've never had anything seem so scary and real ... if they were good dreams that would be cool, but none were. Chantix gave me a stomach ache 24/7 so I quit taking them ... no more creepy dreams ...
  14. congrats man that's awesome. i've been trying to lucid dream for about two weeks now. I've tried following the exercises on dreamviews and other sites about it. but lately i've just been keeping a dream journal and recording my dreams the second i get up. I also sort of see my dreams as split sequences captured in pictures. like i only remember one or two images of each dream as the sequences continue.
  15. There are techniques and pills to try to help you have lucid dreams. Mine are always fun, but it's like blazing through Resident Evil, and trying to escape from scary ass people.
  16. Thats tite..I have lucid dreamed several times before but not really intented to...I also used to get the occasional sleep paralysis which is some wierd shit but kinda close to lucid dreaming..and there has been times when i am just become aware when that iam dreaming and cant wake up and its usually a very very wierd and scary feeling but when iam not able to wake my self up from it it has led to vivid dreams were iam like well since i cant wake up i;ll just do cool shit in my dream like flying..which is tight as fuck even in a dream...i would just start running and jump and take off
  17. Hey, hopefully no one is too pissed off about me reviving this thread, sorry it took so long to get my reply together OP!

    My first lucid dream occurred the same night I learned what a lucid dream was. I was having a conversation with a very wise, very knowledgeable friend of mine. Somehow the topic of dreams came up, and he started describing his lucid dreams. He explained to me what they were, and how some people initiate them. He told me that there was a time in his life that he lucid dreamed so often, every night, that he lived in a constant daze, and was sometimes unsure of what was even reality and what was a dream. Anyways, I remember he told me that some people flick light switches in a dream, and a lot of the time, flicking the switch won't do anything in your dream world.

    I was dwelling a lot on this thought when I was falling asleep.

    I remember walking into my aunt's kitchen. No one was there, so I flicked on the lights. Nothing - HOLY SHIT! I'm in a dream!

    Unfortunately, it didn't last long because I was so excited I woke up. I didn't lucid dream again for a while (that was when I was a kid, maybe 12 or 13). I eventually forgot about it. And then, about a year ago, it happened again, completely out of the blue.

    I was pinned to the floor of a cheap motel. Bright red shag carpets, and yellow wallpaper. My boss stood above me in a suit, his handgun pointed directly at my head. It felt like a Quentin Tarantino movie. Speechless, he pulled the trigger. Three times. And what? I was still alive. How is that - I'm dreaming! And from there on, I adventured for a while, all around this foreign dream city, before flying high above the clouds and waking up.

    Keep on dreaming, man! And definitely train yourself in some techniques to induce lucid dreams. Good luck.
  18. i love lucid dreaming. i got really into it a couple years ago and would have about 3 a week. do reality checks while your awake throughout the day (plug your nose and feel the sensation of being unable to breathe thru your nose) and you'll eventually do it in your dream (when you plug your nose in your dream you will still be able to breathe and you'll realize mid-dream that you're asleep and become lucid!)

    There's a bunch of reality checks, methods, foods that can give you a better chance of a lucid dream. check out
  19. Nice op! Same things happens to me but i never lucid dream... i always wake up when i start to realize that im dreaming and i'm like, Dammit...
    Anyways, i'm going to try harder and maybe i'll contribute something to this thread ;)
    And whoever said something about fucking a girl, i feel yeh, i always love those :cool:
  20. Dreamviews is the best site fir anyone wanting to learn aboud lucid dreaming.The fourm section of the site has do much amazing information for anyone trying to learn how to become lucid in there dreams.I've only been fully lucid twice and semi lucid several times. I suggest for anyone interested in lucid dreams to improve your dream recall. you can do this by starting a dream journal where you write down any detail about your dreams . When you've built your recall up to a couple dreams a night look into one of the lucid dream inducing technuiques.

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