Since when I lived at home we always lived in places where we weren't aloud pets. I've always wanted a cat or hamster. Well Since I have my only place now, I was getting stoned with my buddy earlier and decided to get a hamster and treat myself for once. Cage and all the stuff was £35 and the Hamster was £9.50. Fair price. She is about 2 months old and already big. Silky silver short coat so I named her Silver. You're meant to wait a while before touching them. But when I was adding some more food and bedding, she kept trying to jump on my hand and sniffing me. I eventually let her and now im sitting at my desk high as fuck and she is just sitting on the desk watching TV with me. I never understand the bond you feel with a pet, it's great. Anyone else have pets they love to chill with when high?
I had two hamsters when I was younger, worst experience ever. They bit me, they were never up during the day, they made lots of noise during the night. And when one of them died, the other one ate him. But your hamster sounds like a chill little chick
I just got a hampster....It's name is nugget. Check out this picture I took today of josie the pussycat (my kitty) staring down nugget my hampster [/URL]
[quote name='"J2THERAGE"']I just got a hampster....It's name is nugget. Check out this picture I took today of josie the pussycat (my kitty) staring down nugget my hampster [/URL][/quote] Hahahaha that's a great picture, the hamster was probably freaking out
One of my firth pets was a hamster, I was like 10 I name her smarty cause right when I put her in the cage she ran around it and I thought she was smart. Sadly a couple years later she died because of a growth on her.
Hamsters are great. I used to breed them for hobby and to see how their genes would come out in each generation. The recessive fur colors were really interesting because in 5 generations, you might get one individual with that trait. I also did these kinds of experiments with other species of rodents and even monkeys.
What type were they because you're not meant to keep Syrian hamsters together because they become territorial. Plus they're nocturnal, mine wakes up at about 8ish. It also means that they're easy to look after because most people have things to do in the day, which means they can look after their hamster properly when they get home.
I just recently got a hamster, haven't really named it yet. I just call him "Fat One". Oh, and I forgot to say, that's all he does all day. Eat and sleep, at the same time.