My First Living Soil Run

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by MWS, Dec 4, 2022.

  1. Hey everyone!

    For run #4 I'm really excited to say I'll be making the jump to living organic soil.

    I built my soil using BuildASoil's Coot's take and bake kit which is:
    6 cf worm castings
    6 cf peat moss
    4 cf pumice
    2 cf rice hulls
    Bunch of organic nutrients and minerals

    I'll be able to run my girls with water only and not need to ph anymore. :)

    I mixed it over the summer and let it cook in the tarp for 2 weeks before moving everything to plastic totes until I was ready to build my 3x3 bed.

    I loaded the 3x3 up yesterday, 12/3 with my soil and top dressed with some mustard seed meal to naturally bio fumigate the soil.

    The run won't be starting until the new year so I plan on doing a couple short cover crop grows and get a mulch layer going and some life in the soil in the meantime.

    The grow itself is going to be a challenge in terms of space. 6 different genetics in a 3x3 space is gonna be tight without plants cannibalizing each other.

    That said, I'll be running 6 seeds for this run when the time comes:
    Planet of the Grapes (Ethos)
    Nutter Budder or London pound cake (Humboldt seed co)
    Mandarin Cookies V3 (ethos)
    Collie Man Kush (Humboldt)
    Humboldt Dream (Humboldt)
    Grandpas stash x grandpa's cookies (ethos)

    I'll post updates as I get the soil going until then! IMG_20221203_132319_431.jpg PXL_20221203_201958120.jpg IMG_20221010_123429_385.jpg

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  2. I'm watching! Just dropped seeds for my first ever grow. Also running organic living soil. Happy growing!
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  3. Don’t throw out the pH pen just yet….;)
    And think about getting a water quality analysis for your water source.
    So many issues arise from folks assuming that their water quality is optimal.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  4. Definitely not tossing the ph pen lol and do plan on a water and saturated paste test down the road.

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  5. Tossed down some Kashi, cover crop and blue oyster straw log mulch this morning.

    Watered 2.5 gallons before adding the mulch then added another half gallon to seal the mulch down after.

    3.5 gallon Chapin had
    1 tablespoon aloe vera powder
    1 tablespoon rootwise mycrobe complete
    1/4 teaspoon wetting agent

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  6. Looks great!
    You know, you can plant anytime, that soil is READY!!:thumbsup:
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  7. Oh yeah, the wait is due to some away time I've got planned. Won't be able to give them full attention until the new year. Also gotta let the wallet recover from the high electric bill for at least a month

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  8. I see, and I understand ;)
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  9. Man I think I need to take low res photos on my phone or something. Can't even upload some soil shots without the app crashing on me

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  10. I'll be following along, good luck on the grow!
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  11. Seeds in soil on 12/11.

    The 3 outside the dome were started last week for a friend. PXL_20221211_140144001.jpg

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  12. I'm not sure where you purchased your Ethos seeds from. But, mine have always come in a security sealed Ethos breeders box with a glass vial inside plugged with a plastic stopper. The Zweet Inzanity RBX is how all my Ethos seed come unless they are free promotions like the ones on the left. The other seeds were also free. 20221028_132433.jpg
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. Got mine from NASC! I move/keep all my beans in those black bags with their plastic seed vial for easy storage. They did come in fancy packaging that I still have saved lol

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  14. i keep hearing of the london pound cake
    is the first time you have grown it?
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  15. Nice setup.
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  16. Yeah! Was a freebie but I looked into the lineage and am really excited to see how she does

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