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My First Joint

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by deadheadparker, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Hey grasscity,
    I've never been one to like joints very much, but I've come to the realisation that I love hash joints, so I decided I'm going to try and learn how to roll a joint. I bought a pack of zig zags, and grabbed some herb out of my stash and decided to roll a personal sized joint. How did I do? Some tips and feedback would be greatly appreciated. :D

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  2. Looks good for a first J in my opinion. Smoke it and see how it goes from there
  3. My advice is, if you're going to use that small amount of bud, make a tiny filter, make's it look way cleaner, and will come out in a better shape and have the other end fat instead of the end you're holding. - and by smaller I mean not in length, I meant in like width.

    REALLY not bad for a first, I know they seem so ugly at first but just keep going - that's how i started.

  4. It didnt start out with that little bud. It fell out and i just went with it haha. It got me high still though.
  5. Looks great. Keep it up!
  6. Not bad man! Just use more material next time so u wont really have a tip.. but yeah man doesnt look bad at all
  7. Sweet. I'm glad it's so well recieved. I'm going to roll a joint with some hash tomorrow. Let's hope not as much falls out.
  8. [quote name='"deadheadparker"']Sweet. I'm glad it's so well recieved. I'm going to roll a joint with some hash tomorrow. Let's hope not as much falls out.[/quote]

    when everything is rolled up right before the twist, gather up all the bud/hash that has dropped and add it on top and pack it down slightly with a poker of some sort. you will be able to add more (so its more filled out/more weed), and in return it will look and smoke cleaner.
  9. Awesome, thanks for the tip.

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