My First Hydro/indoor set up!!!!very open to opinions and help:D

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by pooizle, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. For starters my box's dimensions are 4'w x 2'd x 6't made out of wood, primed, then painted white, and of course all sides will be covered in mylar.

    For the light I'm planning on using fluorescent lights for the veg. then using a hydro-farm sunburst 400w hps for flowering.

    Hydrofarm - Hydrofarm SBE400 Sunburst 400W E-Ballast, 120v/HPS/MH

    for the actual hydro system I'm debating between

    Super Closet
    Super Closet

    I could easily use the 16 plant system but I feel like if they have the same exact dimensions I should just go with the 32 supercloner. The website even states if there is enough room it could easily be used to grow and harvest the plants, sooo there shouldn't be a problem right??:confused:
  2. Buy a ph meter. Ph is one of the main factors in hydro. It wil cause your plants to flourish or give an untimely death. 5.5-5.8 is what you aim for.

    A ppm meter, or an ec meter. Most people here use PPM I believe. It measure the level of nutrients in the water basicLly. You'll be aiming at certain levels throughout the stages. Plus it's Fun to test your city water with a ppm meter. Yuck!

    Which brings us to water. Yes you can use tap water, but Reversis osmosis is the best water you can use. While using tap I got huge ph flucuatipms. My tap is also very high in PPM.

    Nutrients. I don't know what Lind of nutrients you're getting with the start up kit (if any) but the one I got for mine were shit! (stealth hydro). I'm using general hydro and I love it! My plants love it, fantastic results, and it's not very pricey. There's a 3 part or you can use Lucas formula. Search these forums for it. I'm using 3 part GH micro/grow/flower, their organic tea compound (floralicious plus o believe) liquidkoolbloom, magical (usin RO water takes out some needed nutrients) and pm-90? It's like peroxide for the reservoir but doesn't kill wanted organics.

    Where to buy? Online, or look for your local hydro shop if ones near by. I love the one that's 10 minutes from me.

    Reservoir temps. Above 62 below 80. Ideal is 72. Above 80 and you could start getting algae, and also oxygen is harder to get to the plant. You can combatthis with frozen water bottles in the reservoir/ and hydrogen peroxide.

    Hope this helps, best of luck!
  3. I went to the hydro store last year looking for a 400w HPS light that had a built in ballast, similar to what you had on your link. the guy at the store suggested getting a reflector seperate from the ballast because the built in ballast is a LOT of weight, and it will make the room much warmer. For what it's worth, I took his suggestion and I've been very pleased.
  4. will I have enough room for the 32 plant setup with the dimensions of my box????
  5. not sure, 32 plants is a LOT if you are growing them all from seed, as opposed to cloning. I would honestly start a little smaller, as you will maximize your chance for success. you dont need a lot of plants to produce, I had one bagseed plant that I got 7.3 oz. from and it was my first plant ever to make it through flower.

    good luck!

  6. Same here, I got over 5.5 oz from my first bag seed hydro grow. Dried and cured. It was awesome.

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