My first hour as a ChaCha guide!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Buddeh, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Wow, it is very easy. Stupid pointless questions. Some of which actually make me laugh.

    What is the longest turd on record?

    What is an orgasm?

    Am I single or taken, and what is it like?

    These are such easy questions!

  2. Bet that one left you pondering....:p
  3. Haha, I guess I learn something new everyday!

    Someone just asked how I smoke marijuana.

    I simply replied. Bongs, pipes and hookahs. My favorite though is blunts. Yummy! Lol.
  4. I'm just pullin' your leg. Congrats on going through with being a guide. :hello:

  5. I know and its cool.

    Lol, I love ChaCha. Seriously, its such an easy job and Its so easy going. Tons of laughs.

  7. LIES!
  8. *wee-ooo wee-ooo wee-ooo*

    "sir, this is the elitist police.

    you have been charged with attempting to be accepted by copying certain behaviors to in an effort to "be cool".

    too bad you didnt just own up to being a pothead, you could have gotten out of that...

    take him downtown boys"

    "wee-ooo wee-ooo wee-ooo*
  9. Lol, that made me laugh.
  10. Don't let him fool you, Scooby.
  11. I just started doing this ChaCha thing too. So far I've made $4.20.... lol... I swear :smoking:.

    This is too easy. Funny too.

  12. Yeah, sometimes they post stupid stuff where I have to clarify

    Someone asked "Not exactly an everyday word"
  13. wats the definition of the word fuck

    how many plays today does wake the city have TODAY on myspace?

    do you think cleft pallets are gross

  14. You gotta make sure you check the recent activity. Sometimes people are replying to previous answers thinking it goes back to the same guide. The recent activity shows you all their previous questions. Sometimes that helps to make sense of some of the shit they ask me.
  15. i was going to do this, then i got to filling out the W-9 and looked it up. They dont withhold anything so at the end of the year you have to make sure youve kept enough to pay your taxes. Weak shit.
  16. Yea, you'd be a 1099, which means you pay your own taxes on it. Sucks, but I don't mind. I'm not gonna owe more than I'm getting back.

  17. Just save it until you have to pay your taxes, makes for a good reason to save money and consider it a bonus.

    If you don't want to do that then you would probably be fine using half of it. I'm not a guide yet but I'm kinda afraid to take the simulator test. Don't wanna fail...
  18. the simulator test is EASY, dont worry. Yeah, someone just told me to name some sex positions.

    I want something original, my first ChaCha question was whats the Longest Turd on record and that was a funny one.
  19. I remember back in the day before you had to sign up to get a guide and you just go on chacha and spam and shit. Those were the days. Then people started to get arrested for making death threats on there. Ahhhhhhhhh, the good ol days

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