My first post ftw. Well im growing some high grade bag weed. im going to (WILL) buy some great seeds if someone can give me some good strain for novices and can take abuse (Easy to grow) Im growing weed in a grow closet it started 40 days ago. And has been growin under (2) flurocent 40w tubes and i made some shields to reflect most of the light back to the plants and was like a inch or two away from the plants. i now bought (3) 20w cfl's that are equal to 75w bulbs each. Is this enough light to get me threw the vegative stage? Im planning on buying more lights for flowering. I got one plant in a sog method on styrofoam and both plants have been lsted cause the lack of light. Here is what my grow closet looks like The plant on the left had some problems with nutrients so it lacked of growth i guess... im now using miracle grow as a last resort i dont have a nearby nurcery to go buy nutes i finaly got some miracle grow this last week and tomorrow im gunna get the air pump installed (lazy me) so im gunna guess it will have improved growth now... Here is a picture of my plant that has been growing in straight soil and just gets water. It is quite healthy so far. (and this is its growth under just the fluro so im gunna get better growth with the cfl's now im guessing.) Please reply back and give me feedback, im just a noob at growing so the pros can give me some tips on what to do to make what i got work.
Take that tin foil away. Youre gonna burn your plants. And youre probably gonna need more than three lights. Theyre gonna grow a lot slower with only three cfls.
I would get as many, and as high of ACTUAL wattage 5500k cfls as you can afford. The amont of light you have there will make them grow very slow and stretchy. The more light the better. Remove the tin foil asap, it will burn the plants, get some mylar at a fabric store, or space blankets from wal mart.
Check out sensible seeds & attitude seed bank for some seeds. Purple kush.& Og kush are really easy to grow. Ur gonna want a mostly indica plant.
I got 2 fluorcent 40w tubes also, how much more light cause i get paid next week and still got 30bucks to waste. Also how much is space blankets? I'll google probably anyways ;p Should i keep trying to do hydroponic with miracle grow (on the bad plant) or just go to just soil?
[quote name='"pinkbear"']i just bought a 40w cfl at the 99cent store. go pick up a bunch of thows. o yea they are 2700k thow[/quote] You want 5600k for vegging, the 2700k will be good for flowering. The 5600k ones are normally "daylight".
[quote name='"iambuzn"'] I got 2 fluorcent 40w tubes also, how much more light cause i get paid next week and still got 30bucks to waste. Also how much is space blankets? I'll google probably anyways ;p Should i keep trying to do hydroponic with miracle grow (on the bad plant) or just go to just soil?[/quote] There can almost never be enough light. The more light you add, the better your final product will be. Space blankets are only a couple of bucks, not very much at all. But they are,thin so be careful about ripping them. I have no experience with hydroponics, so I am unable to help you there, but I do hear alot of negative reviews on miracle gro.
Hydroponic with miracle gro? What do you mean? A lot of people just use fox farms soil. It's easy, has nutes already in it for a good time. Or mix your own soil.
well i mean whats the boundary of enough light to grow weed, i got 3 2700k cfls, so should i construct a flowering box with those instead? and get some 5600k ones for veg how many would be needed and how much you think its gunna cost? and the miracle grow is plant food that is soluable in water.
whats the wattage of the bulbs we need to know that. you can use the 2700k ones during the veg also. but you want more 5600k ones. and cfls are pretty cheap. also t5 tubes are cheap too. miracle grow = poopie
the cfls are 20w (75w equlivant and gives off 1200 lumens per bulb), and the flurocents tubes i got in there are 40w and the temp is 6500k so its good for veg.
day 56 of my plants this is the good one here is the hydro twins They grown better with the cfl's now, and now i got em off a 24 light and on a 18\6 again its better i think, when do i start flowering from what i read 8weeks is enought most say 5 months in other threads, but with my amount of growth and how the plant looks what do you think?
you switch when the plant is half the size you want it to be. plant will get 2-3 times bigger during flower. i would start to flower before its atleast 11-13 inches
The Soil plant on day 64 The Hydroponic plant on day 64 I have it on 12/12 atm, does plant look straight for day 64? (please comment i love feedback.)
Hey, question. What kind of yield are you looking for and how much space do you have to work with? Have you already switched to 12-/12 ? As for size they are really small, but that's cause they're in small pots so I'm assuming you're wanting to keep them small. Other than that they look great and maturing along nicely. The more info you give us the better feedback we can provide . Nice job so far though.
do you have an air pump in the hydro bucket? and can you tell us how you have it set up as the pics are not clear ,can you lift the hydo one up and take a pic of the roots , do you know what your ph is ? Middy
The hydroponic system was a fail for me, i have no clue where to get the stuff for it, the roots arent even outside the pot. The ph levels, i dont watch em lol. i just add half the amount of miracle grow per gallon of water, the ph level of are water near here is in the 7 so i hope its around there.. I havent really put that much money to this its just a test run for when i grow my northern lights seeds. I got a basic fishtank pump that pulls water up and pours it out a spilltray. If someone can help me out with how to find a nearby hydroponic shop i would be greatly appreciate it. And for yields, i wasnt really countin on much, is it too late to transplant them to some 3 gallon pots? And yes there on 12\12 lights now
[quote name='"iambuzn"']If someone can help me out with how to find a nearby hydroponic shop i would be greatly appreciate it. [/quote], search for hydroponic shop woth your zip code.