my first grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by elitechris, May 6, 2011.

  1. #1 elitechris, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
    this is my first grow im using 8 26 watt 6500k cfl's on some bag seed. im using crappy mg potting soil i had laying around let me know what you think any advice is helpfull i will post pics of my other plant later my phone was going dead lol.

    this one is 4 weeks into vegging:D
  2. Looks small for a month o..o Has it undergone significant stress? You have way more than enough lights. You might want to PH test youre water and soil but you dont HAVE to
  3. #4 elitechris, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
    as far as stress not that i can think of im going to test the ph in a little

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