My first grow.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by redman1992, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So I posted this in the general indoor growing section but I figured I should bring it here because I also have a lot of questions.

    These plants are about 1-2 weeks old
    So here are my questions.

    The bigger plant( the one of the close up picture) its leaves are now pointing diagonally up. Is this bad?
    How long should I wait until fertilizing these plants?
    The pH on the plants fluctuates a ton. Is there anyway to just stabalize the pH to keep it at a neutral level at all times?
    The little plant in the back left's leaves are turning very yellow and are starting to look burned. what can I do about this?
    Also how often do I need to water them?

    Sorry if these are all FAQ questions and if I am making myself look dumb lol It's just I am a complete noob.

    And also, all in all, dos this setup look fine?

  2. diag leaves arent good. do the pots have holes? might want to mix something with the compost looks thick something to help drainage next time. what kind of compost did you get? are you checking the ph of the soil or runoff?:smoking:

  3. the bud might be a little airy with only the MH. do you have a digital ballast? will you be able to post a oscillating fan in front of that closet when the lights are on? I would ditch the MG nutes toooo hot usually. what does the npk say on the front? MG is usually high in heavy metals 10-50-30 or something like that so is really hot but then again so are FF powders can make it work just cut back recommended amounts to like a 1/ should get some good smoke off this setup and will learn what you like to do in a grow more each time:smoking:
  4. #4 redman1992, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010

    yeah the pots have holes on the bottom. Somebody was saying that i should mix perilite into the soil. Is that a good idea?
    The compost I got is called eko or something like that.
    I have been checking the pH and sometimes it will be at 9 nd other times it will be at 6.5 and then other times it will be 5. I am very worried about that. also I will take beter pictures so we can all further analyze haha

    Also I do not have a digital ballast(to be honest I'm not sure what that is lol).
    And yes i have fan blowing on it for the most part of the day.
  5. Yes, for sure, mix with Perlite. Maybe even put a little layer of it on the bottom I hear this helps and helps replace stale oxygen in the roots.

    as for the setup I agree with mikem, make sure you got a fan to circulate air.

    I would make sure whatever you are hanging that light with is very stable.
    It would suck balls in hell to have it fall and damage or kill your plants. I've learned my lesson with this, a plant was damaged by a cfl and reflector crushing it.

    As far as stabilizing the ph, I like to get distilled water from wal-mart. Its like 78cents a gallon.
    flush your plants with it. I think the ratio is two gallons of water for every one gallon of soil in your pot.

    Good luck with your grow!:D

    PS. i think that its def too early for fertilizer.
  6. Thanks for the help. Sometime this week I will get the perilite. So I need to flush my plant with 6 gallons of distilled water?( I have around 2-3 gallons of soil in in it....I think) Its just it seems like that is a ton of water

  7. Perlite is great for drainage especially if you can get some #4 or the largest size perlite you can get...more air pockets and what not.roots need oxygen plus the quicker your soil drains the quicker you can flush and feed again.hydroton works great also and is reusable.Are you checking the ph directly from the compost?checking the same area every time?sometimes soils you buy will have pockets of nutes and will read hotter in ballasts have a processor and can run MH or HPS(sides from the 600w)so you could run hps in your flowering to tighten up the buds no biggy really and some say the MH makes a more potent product...:smoking:
  8. I haven't been checking the pH in the same place so maybe that is the problem because in some spots it is higher and then in other places it is lower. is there a certain part of the soil that I should check the pH in? i.e. soil closer to the plant,outer rim of the pot, etc.?

    Also i think I just need to get a list of the best stuff like what kind of soil, nutes, etc. haha

  9. I would check the ph from the runoff after a good watering(if you are using phd or bottled water)its tough like i said with soils especially the lower cost ones because they dont worry about consistency or ph or anything so one bag is low and one is high.foxfarm runs hot but you can count on that.roots is kind of woody but runs less hot than foxfarm.there are so many it really depends on what you can get your hands on and what you want to spend you can even mix your own with (2 parts peat and 1 perlite is a basic mix)sunshine #2 basic has no additives so doesnt run too far as nutes just depends kind of on your soil and what you want to run...cutting edge is a good synthetic nute line for cheap, humboldt nutrients has a very user friendly organic line....ive gotten by just using 2 kinds of guano....young guano for the earlier more Nitrogen needing stage then older guano for the PK needing stage.I have ran many of the lines out there side by side for comparisons is there a line your were thinking about?:smoking:
  10. I have no idea what brands I want to/should do. The kind I got pretty much only said compost on it. I was afraid to get anything that already had fertilizer in it because I didnt want to over feed it.

    Also about those diagonal leaves, is there anyway to stop that from happening?

  11. You were right on cause I wouldnt give them anything till they get bigger. The leaves that are turning towards the light diagonal are the lower 3 finger ones right and the newer leaves are not doing it(or am i looking at the pics wrong?)if thats the case whats done is done and those 3f leaves will die off and I wouldnt trip on it. Or are the newer leaves also doing that? As far as the nutes you kind of just have to check them out and find what you like. I lived in fortuna for a while and could hit a lot of the companies for free samples but I know people who really bought into nutes and them being magic bullets but they are not less is better ive found
  12. That picture doesnt really show it because I took that picture the day before it happened. It was like the leaves were branching out horizontally(looked normal) and then this morning I check it and almost all of the leaves are diagonal. I will make sure to take a picture tomorow and post it.

  13. oh pics would be good might just be a light issue..:smoking:
  14. [​IMG]

    this is what happened

  15. Looks good to me! Looks like those leaves are just reaching for the light..the one looks a little wavy or wrinkled but might just be genetics or a little light shock. Looks really good though..happy plants! Nice one:smoking:
  16. Well then I guess I have nothing to worry about on that plant :) The only bad thing is I think My smallest plant is now fully dead. Its leaves are all extremely brown and dead. except for its top two really small leaves.

  17. that is a bummer on the smallest one. more room for the other one i guess;)
  18. Yeah it all worked out great too because even though its sad that it died, Im just gonna have one of my dispensary buddies get me a clone. or at least some g13 or blue dragon strains.

    But if my plant is starting to turn yellow, does that generally mean it needs more nitrogen?

  19. Usually. Especially on the older leaves. The nitrogen when not getting it from nutes will transport it from older leaves to feed the new. Usually not a problem when you use indoor bag soil. Cant go wrong with some nice clones. You going to post a journal on them? Hope so!:smoking:

  20. oops ment when the plants are not getting nitrogen from nutes......

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