My first grow.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by feetsweaters, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. First grow in humid illegal state

    I have:

    36x36x64 Tent
    4" Carbon filter with 4"inline duct fan
    300w LED
    150w UFO LED
    6" desk fan
    Heater/Fan Combo
    Temp/Humidity Reader

    Big Bucket: Violet Haze
    Cup: Diesel

    Both seeds from Seed Supreme



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  2. Looks good man, gonna want to make sure you have drain holes in the bottom of the bucket/tubs and also a ph meter.
  3. Yea i drilled some holes and i have some rocks in the bottom of the that tub as well

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  4. You using soil or coco coir ? And have you mixed perlite ? Guess rocks will work
  5. Im using soil that has a little perlite.
    I read that rocks help with drainage so I decided to give it a try

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  6. OKay all good bro, should be fine, I can't really give advice as I'm first grow in DWC but just helping with advice from what I read on here... good luck
  7. Good luck on your grow dude!

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Day 14 with Violet Haze

    Day 3 with Diesel

    Any suggestions would be helpful!!!



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  9. About 3 weeks: Violet Haze


    1 week: Diesel




    I live in New Orleans and i cannot get the temp inside my tent to get lower than 80 with the lights on

    I have an 4" inline carbon filter connected directly to and 4"inline fan with exhaust ducting out the roof

    On the bottom i have a 4" inline duct fan bringing in fresh air but still it wont drop below 80.

    Any suggestions would be nice
  10. Portable air con bro
  11. So found out i was aging my plants wrong

    New pic in a little while with correct ages a little later

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