This is my first time ever growing marijuana an I have to say I'm surprised at how easy it was. If I would've done things correctly, I would've had a good yield for myself in 4 months. But I ruined it... I've seen plenty of guides in the internet, watched plenty of videos, and even researched a little bit of horticulture. But none of that stressed how sensitive marijuana gets when it goes into flower. It as about 2 weeks when I finally saw the first bids starts forming. The first week the plant really stretched out in every direction! This was such a sight to see. I had never grown before and this was all exciting to me. So I let it grow out for about another week and gave it about half a bottle of water. Mind you my plant was small and the soil I was using looked like it was really holding in the water. I noticed it didn't really like all that water because afterwards the leaves looked really down and droopy. I should've stopped watering right there but I didn't. I gave it another 2 weeks and man this thing was looking beautiful. White hairs were sprouted everywhere, leaves were nice and green, sugar leaves had some sprinkle on them. I looked at the top soil and it looked pretty dry... this is where I messed up. I poured some banana water I had made. This was a mixture of water and banana peels but I had taken out the banana peels before feeding the plant. I emptied the container of water and things took a horrible turn. For the coming weeks leaves started to die off, hairs turned all orange, and the sugar leaves were curling in every direction... and worst of all... the buds stopped swelling. As a matter of fact, it looked like they were shrinking! I was heart broken but I knew what I had to do. In order to stop the suffering, I chopped it down. It's drying now as I type this out, and things don't look so great. I didn't water it that much when it was in veg and I don't know why but that top soil fooled me. I got excited and wanted to help the plant grow. Don't let this happen to you
Thanks for posting and sharing your experience. So do you think the banana water poisoned the plant, or are you warning against overwatering in the flowering stage? Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
And dude they may not be huge buds, but I would smoke that shiz up Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
It wasn't the first time I had watered it with some banana water so it had to be just over watering in flowering. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Banana water is new to me. Was it for potassium? Because that seems like a bad way of getting it. Im an organic grower so. Also get better soil Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
I figured I'd ask you because I know you have a lot of experience, but could overwatering cause this? To me it doesn't seem like it would make the leaves curl like that, or turn the pistils brown Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
New to me too..looked it up (Google) and there is lots of chatter on the net about Bannana/Cannabis. NOTHING definitive that jumped out at me though..
Yea I was looking for organic ways to get potassium to the plant. Idk exactly what caused the leaves to curl. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I didn't find the topic specifically for cannabis, but considering the way cannabis takes in nutrients wouldn't it help? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I forgot to mention, I was using a tiny amount of some "bloom special" from sunniland. I had only spread about 2 tablespoons of that under the plant with a bottle of water. Might have caused the leaf curl. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Banana water and two tbs of fertilizer granules spread over the soil is not a good recipe for cannabis. Cannabis requires specific nutes for the best results. You mentioned organic in one of your posts - that fertilizer you used is far from organic.
I know the fertilizer was far from organic. I made the banana water before I bought the fertilizer so that's what I was using for a while. But could I ask you, what are your recommended organic nutes, also what should I use for the ph levels in water? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I'm not a soil grower so I don't feel qualified to give advice about organic nutes - there are some good soil growers here that can give you good advice. Good luck. Try this:
banana water tops the HOLY WTF list of the week so far. Please do tell where you came up with that idea and why ?? GFP Sent from my SM-G600FY using Tapatalk
Man you said you had done lots of research and watched videos and you don't know what the PH levels should be ??
Already said I was looking for organic source of potassium. It didn't do any harm until I went over board. Why is it such a big deal to you? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Man I just use a ph solution kit... 9/10 times I can balance my ph with nutes but I always prefer to check and to have ph down and up on hand just incase. Also hairs do naturally turn red it's normal... when you buy bud you'll notice red hairs on it. Grow journal