Hi everyone new to growing but I'm enjoying it any help or tips are appreciated. younger pics can anyone tell the sex yet I'm in week two of flowering..thanks for looking Sent from my SM-G360T1 using Tapatalk
Did you know that they'll show sex at around 2 months of age (8 weeks +) in veg....if you know what to look for. So you don't have to flower them off to figure out what you've got. I think you've got a female there in that one picture where you're showing the stalk and shoot off from it...but not sure. What you're going to be looking for is seed pods...which look like little balls and they will be growing in clumps. You just have to pull the males away before any pods open up and pollenate the rest of the bunch. But when they start putting on, it's very easy to tell if you've got them or not. You also can google "sexing MJ plants" and get some good pics and diagrams of how and what to look for. You're only working with a 400 watt light there so be real careful not to put too many plants under it and create a bunch of shading. You can harvest more off one healthy plant that gets all it needs than you can by shoving 4 into the same space. Don't use clear cups to start your seedlings in. Roots are never supposed to be exposed to light. Use Solo cups. They are lined and no light can penetrate them. They are also the perfect size to start with. And always fill your pots and containers up with as much soil as you can leaving enough room so that when you water, you don't wash soil out. Everything will settle after they've been watered several times and it's always fine to toss fresh soil in on top of the old. It's kind of like giving them a snack or something because the fresh soil has a fresh supply of nutes. Gosh, I could sit here and rattle off to you all day and you probably already know most of this stuff. LOL I just hit the pipe a few times before I sat down here and I get a kick out of reading the posts and seeing what everybody is doing. Hope things go goo for you. Looks like you've got a great start. TWW Don't know what your background is, but if you already know this just let it pass on through and go about your business. As long as you're not growing "auto" strains, it's best to start them out in Solo cups, in proper soil and give them only pH'd water until the plant is larger than the cup it's in (wider and taller). We're trying to let it get slightly root bound and normally, depending on the strain (of course), when they get this size they're ready for transplant. From the cup, go up one container size and do the same thing all over. By confining the space the plant has to root into, which is always the very first thing they do after germinating, you lessen the time it takes to get foliage growth going again. While the plant forms it's root system, the foliage will just pretty much sit there and wait. The less space they have, the less time it takes. If you're using good soil, you can get most of the way through the veg cycle and the soil will totally feed your plants. We run on around a 10 week cycle. While my flower room is doing it's thing, I am bringing up clones and getting them to the size they need to be for flowering. When I harvest, I refill my room with plants that are typically at least 36" tall. They double or triple in size during the flower cycle, so that is a pretty good size for me and the strain I'm growing to start flower with. I can take clones and get them to flowering size in 10 weeks. We're getting somewhere between 2.5 and 3 oz. after cure per plant so I've been pretty happy with that. For the most part, we don't have to start any real nute application until the last couple of weeks or so before they are ready for flower. The trick to this is using absolute Grade A soil and potting them up pretty slowly. But it works well here. Everybody has their own situation and idea and there is no set right or wrong way to do this. If it works, it's right. LOL Do be careful with nutes. They're actually supposed to be started once the plant has had an opportunity to use up the nutes that came naturally in the soil. Most people think you've got to start feeding plants as soon as they pop out of the ground...because they don't take the time before they start to try and learn a little about what they're trying to do. I don't like loading mine up with chemicals and compared to what a lot of people use, I almost don't use any. I stopped the bottled nutrients too and changed to a powdered type that a good friend in Southern California turned me onto. With those multi-bottled nutrient packages, I was standing at the sink for hours mixing up nutes, not to mention each bottle of the kit ran about $26 each. The stuff I use takes about 5 minutes to mix up a 5 gallon bucket, get to the right pH and ready to give to the plants. I've been using it for several years now and have no intention to change. If it ain't broke, don't fix it...right? LOL You've got everything looking pretty good. You just need to be realistic about how many plants your light will grow and not overcrowd your light and you'll end up with some good stuff in the end. Just because it's bagseed, doesn't mean it won't turn out to be good. Happy growing! TWW