my first grow box in progress

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by snakeofwv, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 snakeofwv, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2011
    my grow cabinet project : 31.5" x 24" x 12" are the measurement's

    has 2- 4" 65 cfm fan's, one for intake and other exsaust , 5 - light socket's with space for 2 additional ones if needed, insualted mylar wall's, 2 - light trap's and has a breaker bar for safety..

    i have got the tempatures up to 110 f, just to do a safety check the wall's still remained cool to the touch with the fan's running.. so that's a good thing .. but have a issue with humidity it's only 20% even with tempatures 70 to 110 f.. anyone have a ideal what right humidity i need and ways to solve this issue.. thanks for checking it out...

    the regular light bulb's are just for look's not going to be used for anything else...

    2- 4" 65 cfm fan's where going to be used but fried since the dummy at RS didn't tell me i need a adapter but to just hard wire it.. so waiting on replacement part's ..

    Attached Files:

  2. i would take the fan out of the bottom and just leave that hole covered with a filter. then move that fan straight up to the top and make it a second exhaust.

    although, really, you need to rotate your light bracket 90* so that your lights are horizontal. and incandescent bulbs will be 10x hotter than cfls, so if youre only getting temps of 110*f with those bulbs in it, with cfls, it should be just fine...
  3. Yeah, you want the exhaust being pulled out from the top of the box, not the bottom. You want the intake near the bottom. This will keep your girls much cooler. And I think those are CFLs, just the new ones with a covering to make them look like incandescents.

    snakeofwv, if those are incandescents you need to get right of them, they won't work. Get CFL's

    Also, with your vertical space be careful to flower them early enough. Remember that a plant will continue to veg for 7-10 days after you switch the lights to 12/12, and then it will stretch from there. About 1.5x to 2x for soil, and 2x to 3x for hydro.

    That or learn a lot about low stress training (LST).
  4. LST comes in handy when micro growing
  5. i had the old style incandescent's buld's in there just for look's, while i was working on it.. but i have the 26 watt cfl 2700k in there 5 total have to wait till i can get 5 - 6500k .. i had 1- 4" fan 65 cfm for intake up top and 1- 4" fan 65 cfm at the bottom for exhaust and they still with cfl bulb's got over 90 f.. but i think i need to have at least 2 fan's 100cfm for exhaust and one for intake just have to save and find them on-line radio shack only has the 65 cfm.. yeah i have a hydro set-up already built and like several other types in the work's.. and i for sure would have to agree with doing srcog or lst with a small set up like this.. i have a few friend's wanting me to built these but i want a fool proof set-up first so they won't be much thinking required ya know.. lol but thank's for the advice
  6. since heat rises, your box will be alot cooler if you exhaust from the top.
    with a box that small, you really wont need a fan on your intake. just use a little air filter to cover the hole and make it light proof. in such a small space, forced induction can cause positive air pressure which will actually make temps rise.
    i say just leave the bottom fan off, and turn the top fan into an exhaust and see how temps are then.

    you will seriously benefit from turning your lights sideways too. about 80% of the light energy is emitted from the side of the bulb instead of the bottom...
    i know it makes it a pain, but its well worth it seriously.

    you wont need to buy 5 6500K bulbs for veg, just 2 or 3 and put them every other bulb, and just leave some of the 2700Ks in there. it will be just fine and prevent unnecessary waste of funds...

    a scrog will probably be easiest. you could install a stationary screen 4" below your lights, then just let the plant grow into it. then as the tops poke through about an inch, they will be perfectly distanced from the light. but about midway through flowering, youll probably need to switch to lst anyways due to buds swelling into each other...
  7. Damn, that's once tasty-looking cabinet, man! Sub'd and looking forward to some plants in there ^^.
  8. i highly doubt those are 65 CFM fans if its getting that hot in there. also its well known that you want the intake on the bottom and the outtake on the top. like sleeve said turn the fucking lights sideways. also 20% humidity is fine, 40% is ideal, and you want it between 70 - 80 degrees.

    i just looked back at your pictures and those fans are definitely NOT running at 65 CFM, you just have them straight wired you need a 12v-15v converter on those bitches.
  9. For a grow area this size you should definitly look into growing autoflowering strains. Dwarf varieties would be great! But there is AK47XLR and AK48 auto, all available in feminized seeds!
  10. whoa! good catch. yes, the fans will not even operate on an AC current. you need some sort of DC adapter (any kind of battery charger) the lower the voltage of the charger the slower and quieter the fans will be. things like phone, ipod, camera chargers are 5-6v so the fan will flow 1/2 of its rated output.
    things like laptop chargers and computer speaker power supplies are 12v and will really get the air moving, but the fans will make a slight hum (think laptop when the fans kick in)

    let me know if you need some help wiring the fans properly, i will be happy to assist...

    having those fans plugged into directly into a 110v outlet is a good way to (most likely) fry your fans or (least likely) blow a breaker or your surgeprotector and possibly start a fire...

    safety first...

    hit us up with some updates, what have you done to it so far?
  11. 120V AC 4" Fan is what, i was using but the dummy at RS told me to just hard wire it but after looking on there site they are supposed to be hooked up to a 115 V AC Power Adaptor that they do carry hmmm.. i think the guy need's to learn more before recommending a product to a customer.. needless to say the fryed and got returned.. So needless to say back to the drawing board.. Just glad that they where not inside the project box when they decided to fry, i had them outside letting them run for a few but after like 30 minutes they cooked...
  12. thanks for the tip's i turned the light's sideways that was a good ideal for sure.. as to my fan's there toast but they have some on order since the dummy told me they just need hard wired instead of a adapter .. but it's all good just a few set back's but i am going for fool proof set-up since i have friends that are not to bright on wiring, and putting thing's together.. yeah another good ideal to use 3 - 6500 k and 2- 2700 k makes good since and just switch set up when flowering got ya.. thanks
  13. Good to hear.

    Just an FYI - 92 mm computer case fans are close to 4 inches (3.62), and they work decently with 4" ducting. 99% of those can be powered by a good ol 12V DC adapter. Check newegg for a decent selection.
  14. I wanna make a cabinet. :(
  15. iNick just read up on thing's here and set up a goal and built one .. good luck
  16. your going to loose a lot of room with the lights and that top hole like that though. you should really move the hole to the side of the box so that you can get the light bar to the top of the box.
  17. I know, it also doesn't help that I live at home still.

  18. just make it stealthy
  19. You know, I thought about it... But, if my parents do find it, I kinda like having a place to live...
  20. thats how was, i still have yet to start the second grow. waiting for the right time, lol

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