my first fairy tale.

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by emperor_dragoon, Oct 11, 2013.

    Once upon a time, there was a prince in a castle. He was protected by the vicious dragon. The big mean dragon didn't want to share the prince so she said “Whoever wants the prince must go through my trails of valor and glory.” The prince said ok, the dragon was all he has known. He lived a happy life so far, he could do whatever he wanted to but had to return to castle walls by sundown, otherwise he would turn into a monster.
    So the prince grew up in the castle, and would find friends in the fields. These friends would stay and play with the prince until sundown. One day the prince was out too long, he couldn't get home in time and he knew it. When the last bit of light left the earth, the prince felt weird. Shadows covered him, he felt invincible. He was, he would find giant monsters and slay them. He returned to the castle, the dragon looks at him, with her mouth open. “What has happened to my prince?”
    “I have seen myself at night, you are correct I am a monster.”
    “My prince will always have a place here.”       
    And so the prince stayed in the castle throughout his childhood.
    The friends that the prince grew up with stopped seeing him late in the day. Wondering what happened they set out to find where he lived. The youngest of the friends, was a fair maiden and asked her father about the castle. He told her the castle was the scariest place ever, she would have to go through many scary places to get there.
    Still she wondered and asked her mother. Her mother looked to her and said “if you are going to the castle, prepare yourself. There is a terrible dragon. The dragon will protect the prince from any evil.”
    “The prince is a friend, I am going to save him.” The youngest friends tells her mother
    “If you wish to be foolish at least bring a weapon.”
    So the youngest brings a dagger, it is just her size. The first thing she reaches is the forest of wonders. The mushrooms there shined so bright, she forgot about the prince. When the sun set, the forest started to move. A tree grabbed her. The youngest throws her dagger into the dark and runs back home.
    On the way she pasted by the middle friend who asked, “Fair maiden, what has happened to our prince?” The maiden replied, “Architect, I know not what has happen to our prince.” Being that the night has come, the Architect walks her friend home. Getting told the gruesome story of the scary forest along the way.
    The Architect reads about the forest and finds that things will attack you in the night, to fight against these things you need a special sword. The sword can never be destroyed and always aims true. The architect finds the three ingredients, one is a magical flower found in the fields where they used to play, another was a bar of pure titanium, and the final ingredient was a mystery to her. The only thing the book said about was heart.
    The architect goes and gathers the flowers she needed and asked the fair maiden to get a bar of pure titanium. The fair maiden ask her “for what do I get in return.” The architect turns to her friend, “this is our friend and I will save him. I thought you would want to help our friend.”
    The fair maiden said “I only wanted to try to see if it could be done and it can't. If I can't do it surely the architect can fair no better.”
    “Fine, then fair maiden. I wish only for peace. I will save our friend a different way then.” The Architect responds going to the oldest friend for help. The oldest friend being a blacksmiths daughter knew her way around the forge and was tall as well. Her friends call her the knight. “Knight, I have tried and tried I can't get our fair maiden to help get our friend, the prince.”
    “Does the prince need help, I saw him earlier by the lake. He looks fine to me.” The knight responds
    “He always must rush back to the castle and he never tells us why.” The architect responds
    “Then we must save him. What is it you need?” “I have gathered flowers from the fields where we used to play, I still need a bar of titanium, and the last ingredient just says heart.”
    The knight laughs, “Yes, the heart stands for love. Like my father puts love into his weapons, so shall I.”
    “We just need the titanium.” The architect responds. Suddenly there is a knock on the knight's door.
    The fair maiden enters, “I am sorry I was being selfish, I didn't want you to save the prince without me.”
    The knight laughs again as the maiden hands her a bar of titanium. She tells the other two friends that she must be alone. She had watched her father many times, she even made swords on her own. The customers of her father could never tell the difference. Her father even trained her in the art of the sword. So she pounded the red hot medal bar, putting the flowers between the anvil and the red hot bar.
    As the knight pounded the bar, she remember the times she had with the prince. They would run and play by the stream in the forest. He once told her not to stare at the mushrooms in the forest. When she asked him why not. He responded “beauty can be distracting, making you forget time. If get stuck in the forest after night, ask the trees three things. Where did you come from, where did you go, why did you go there? The trees will realize what they are and remain trees.” She swore to never forget those words, she had heard of grand knights being eaten in the forest. She knew then that the prince wanted her to save him.
    When she told her friends about her memories, they all agreed that the prince wanted to be saved. Otherwise why tell them about the magical forest. She then pulled out the sword, it had a tiny hint of gold in its shine. The architect studies the sword checking to make sure it was as it's supposed to be.
    “Its perfect, look it has the heart too”
    “Ah, I know not how that heart got there, I can barely remember making the sword. It did turn out to be quite stunning though.” The knight tells her friends with awe.
    “Surely the prince was helping, then” The fair maiden says
    “We must leave soon, the sun is coming up.” The architect takes her friends to the forest as the sun rises.
    They enter the forest and see the shining mushrooms, the fair maiden looks again, but is pulled along by her friends. They come to a wide river, not knowing how to cross, the architect makes a raft for the three. Paddled by the knight, guided by the architect, the river was nothing to the three friends.
    They cross through more forest, only this time they decide to rest. They are awakened by rumbling. It was now night and the forest moved once again. The knight yells out to the trees “where did you come from, where did you go, why did you go there?” The trees are silenced, the three girls move again.
    Suddenly they hear a giant dragon's roar, the knight takes out the sword. The sword shines from moon, and the dragon crashes into the nearby forest. The three girls look at each and run through the forest, until they reach a large canyon. They look around but find no way to cross. Worried that the dragon would find them soon. The knight finds a tree bigger than her, and cuts it with a single strike.
    She lifts the tree and makes it into a bridge for the canyon. The two girls watch with amazement. “Have you always been able to do that?” The architect asks the knight, who is only a little bigger than herself.
    “No, I just knew I had too. The sword gives me strength I think.” She responds as if it was expected. The architect finds new resolve, thanks to the confidence of her friend. “Well lets continue before that dragon find us.”
    The architect crosses the tree first, the knight crosses next. As the fair maiden gets halfway, she looks down and trips. “Eeeek, that was close. I don't know if I can go on from here. I am really afraid.” She hugs the tree that she has fallen on. 
    Suddenly there is a large roar, the dragon lifts into the air. It easily finds the girls, and charges for them. The architect and the knight see it, “Fair maiden please, the dragon has spotted us, hurry.”
    They say in unison. The knight steps forward and draws the sword once more.  Only this time the dragon shuts her eyes, and charges toward them quicker. The architect runs on to the tree and grabs her friend. Her eyes catch the magic sword, and suddenly she is filled with power.  The architect throws the maiden into the clearing ahead. She yells to the knight “Move quickly.” The knight looks
    over bewildered. Her eyes go wide at the site. She runs quickly toward the maiden diving onto her. 
    The architect picks up the giant tree, and smashs it into the dragons face. The dragon is knocked out once more, the tree shattered from the hit.
    After crossing another river, the come to giant castle's wall. The gates are bigger than anything the girls had seen. Worse they were locked. “I don't know if the sword can break this.” The knight says in anger.
    “Worse, I was told stories of monsters that lurk nearby. If we make noise surely we will attract them.”
    The architect states.
     The fair maiden rips her dress so she may walk properly. “May I borrow the sword?” She asks the knight calmly. The knight hands the sword over. Suddenly it changes form, and becomes a smaller sword. The Maiden smiles. “I will be right back.” She grabs the sword's sheath and puts it around her shoulders. The maiden goes to a nearby wall and begins to scale it. Being smaller, she found climbing very easy and often enjoyable.
    As she reaches the top of the wall, she hears a growl. Instantly she takes out the sword and looks toward her opponent. A giant liger, jumps out of the darkness and slashes at her. The maiden jumps back, dodging the beasts attack. “Sorry, my fair beast. I know that you are a proud animal. I must reach my prince, and will not be stopped by you.” She draws the sword back, remembering her lessons with the prince.
    The sword begin to glow a bright white, and flash. She stabs the liger in the head. She apologizes again and finds the lever to open the gates.  Once her friends pass through she quick closes them once again. She finds her way down and walks to her friends with her head bowed.
    “Fair maiden are you Ill?” The architect asks noticing the blood on the fair maidens blue dress.
    “Yes quite I am afraid, I am sick to my stomach.” The two girls laugh at her. “We feared for your life.” The architect responds.
    “I know, this was your first time slaying an animal. Did you apologize?” The knight asks as the maiden hands the sword over, it growing back to size. “I did, though I feel awful still.”
    “Taking something's life is always a hard thing. All you can do is apologize, but you did what you had to. Stand proud, now the prince will know what you braved through to get to him. “ The knight smiles at the maiden.
    “I bet you he is in there.” They look at the giant palace ahead of them. Just above some passing clouds there is a tiny light that shined so bright.
    Suddenly the ground starts to shake, as they hear an ear shattering roar.  The roar alone brings them to their knees. Not wanting to waste any more time, they run toward the wooden doors. The knight rams through them. Straight ahead they see a spiral staircase. The Maiden takes the lead and runs up the stairs. The other two following her as best as they can.
    “Our maiden can be quite the runner.” The knight states out of breath. “We must push on.” The architect replies helping her friend along. Suddenly a crash above them. The knight pushes herself forward and they catch up with the maiden. Flames shoot down the middle of the stair case.  The girls run quickly, and crash into the prince. Knocking him into his room.
    “What this now? Why is my mother the dragon shooting flames into my tower, why has Sir Liger been slain, why is my tower in ruins?” suddenly a loud roar as the dragon rips open the side of the princes room. “What happened why can't she hear me.”
    “I may have knocked her out a little bit.” The architect responds growing red after finding out the dragon was the prince's mother.
    “My prince, there was a sword that was made for slaying the dragon. Why would the books tell us it was needed?” The knight tells the prince. 
    The prince walks into the moon light, and becomes a black shadow.  The dragon slashes at the prince with her mighty claws. The prince stands unafraid, he blocks the attack with his arm. “That sword is a test my mother made. The sword itself has no power but to free you from yourself. You do mighty things when you hold it, or feel it near you.”
    He states punching the dragon down to the courtyard. “It only reveals your true self.”
    “I have mighty power, as did the architect.”
    “I was only able to climb the walls and fight with the sword in my hands.” The girls reply.
    “Prince will you take this sword from the three of us, and with it leave in our bright city. We have a house for you to stay in, our people will find a job for you to do.” The knight walks up to the prince and kneels before him, sword in hand.
    “Please rise my fair knight, you are my friend. I am no prince, but a monster….why are you three not afraid of me?”
    “My prince with respect, please take the sword and I shall show you. I know the true you, I remember those days the 4 of us spent in the woods, or fishing by the lake. I did not befriend a monster, of that I know.” The architect steps forward. The prince stares into the architects eyes with amazement. He takes the sword from the knight. The knight raises her head and stands staring at the prince. “What is it?”
    The prince notices the looks from the girls, he looks down and is now wearing a bright silver armor. The emblem of a dragon in the middle of it. Dragon wings are lifting the prince in the air. The dragon flies back up the tower noticing the light. It's eyes glowing red with anger. The prince flies out the window, and raises the sword into the air.
    “Mother I am going to do my best not to hurt you too much. Please don't die.” Suddenly a loud crack and the sword glowed a bright light. The prince unleashes a powerful slash. The three girls are unable to keep their eyes open under the bright light from the slash.
    The dragon begins to fall after being hit. The prince vanishes before the girl's eyes, appearing under the giant dragon. Floating her down to the courtyard below. The three girls run down the staircase to meet their friend. 
    They go to the middle of the courtyard where the prince is, but the dragon is nowhere to be found. When they reach the prince they find a lady with long dark brown hair laying in the flower bed with a white dress. They realize the dragon truly was the prince's mother, under a curse. “As I said the sword, reveals a person's true self. We all die eventually, which is why you were able to slay the mighty liger.”
    The architect kneels beside the lady, next to the prince. “My prince I didn't mean to, I mean I didn't slay her. Did I?” The architect asks the prince in tears. The prince wipes the architects tears away, “My dear friend, you did nothing my mother did not want someone to do. Take this sword and you will understand” The architect grabs the sword, the power of the sword courses through her. “She wanted someone to find this sword and you.” A tear from the architect falls on the prince's mother.
     The Fair Lady's skin begins to glow, and gain a brown hue. She opens her eyes to show her beautiful purple eyes. She looks toward the prince. “My prince am I truly normal again?” The prince hugs his mother, as his armor disappears. The three girls come in and hug the prince as well.
    “Please fair lady, will you forgive us?” The three girls ask with their heads bowed.  The fair lady turns around and disappears. She walks back holding 2 packages, she talks quickly with the prince and then turns toward the 3 girls.
     She gives a big package to the Fair maiden, “May you now be known as the brave maiden, for not all can slay a beast, as great as the mighty liger.” The maiden takes the package from the fair lady. Opening it she holds a cloak made from the pelt, the mane, and claws of the liger. “I have spoken to Sir Liger's parents they wish only that the greatness of their son be carried on by the one who slayed him.” The cloak fits the maiden perfectly, “Behold, I shall be known as the brave maiden. I shall carry on the courage of the mighty liger.” The maiden smiles toward the Fair lady.
    The Fair lady, gives a much smaller package to the knight. The knight opens the package carefully revealing an abundant amount of dragon's scales, some jewels and the dragon's horn. “My fair knight, please take these treasures and use them as you will. If you need more, you need only ask.” The lady says at the astonished knight. “My fair lady, my father and I can make grand armor and weapons from this material. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” She bows and she thanks the lady.
    “My dear sweet architect, I have nothing for you. However I know my son wishes to speak with you alone.” The fair lady notions to the other two girls. They follow her away.
    “Thank you for what you have tried to do. In doing so, you released my mother and me from a great and powerful curse. A great wizard casted this curse on us. Though I can say with you standing by me, I fear no wizard. I would give you everything and anything if it would make you happy.”
    The architect smiles at the prince, crying. “My prince I only wanted to be able to see you as I please. I only thought you were being held. I only want your happiness and acceptance.” She states smiling.
    “Then, you shall have it. Though you must pass one final test along the way.”  “Show me where this test is so that I may beat it.” She smiles again.
    “It is by my side, as my queen. Will you become my wife and queen, my dear architect?” The architect flings her arms around the prince as they kiss passionately. “A thousand times saying yes will never be enough. Behold I shall become the queen, who stands by her dragon king.”  She states as the sun rises beginning a new day.
    The newly named dragon king, settles in nicely with his queen. They live with their friends the brave maiden, and the Dragon knight. The Kings mother cooks grand meals for this group of friends every night. The King hunts with the brave maiden, as the dragon knight protects their queen during their adventures. These 5 people begin their lives again, happily ever after. 


  2. Haha. You are really high. :D I like it.

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  3. The flowers are supposed to be weed.

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