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My first CFL grow experiment

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by FlyingSpaghetti, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. #1 FlyingSpaghetti, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    Hi All!
    This is my first online journal that I am going to attempt to update twice a week with pictures. I have grown once in the past with mainly a Northern Lights Indica dominant strain that I received as clones from a friend using a simple 400w HPS lighting setup in a closet with 120CFM of airflow coming from 3 computer fans rigged to run AC power, all planted in 6.7-7.1 initial pH soil mixed with 20% perilite.
    As for nutes, I used some borrowed Fox Farms big bloomer from a friend right before flowering and about 3 weeks into flowering. That's it.
    The soils where I live proved to sustain great plant health for just going out in the backyard and digging up 3, 5 gallon buckets worth! lol
    I began with 3 of those plants, ended up harvesting 2 (one ended up hermie due to too much LST) after 2 1/2 long months of flowering and got roughly an ounce (26.6) in dried flower, which I thought was a decent amount for only 2 ft<sup>2 </sup>of grow space. It smoked great and has inspired me to branch into different strains.
    So that was last year and now I have moved to a smaller place where I couldn't run a hot as hell, power-hungry HPS light all the time, so I looked around and noticed several people have been using CFL's, and everyone bashes them.
    I decided to try a sativa dominant strain that my friend got seeds of in Colorado over the summer. They were apparently AK-47 bred so being a common strain, I mixed up some soil and planted those suckers in the same local soil with perilite on 10-26 of this year. 
    My grow setup is a tiny rubbermaid tub, as I am not trying to produce a ton of bud, I just want to notice the difference between the CFLs and the HPS, along with trying some new topping/LST techniques. 
    I am a beginner so I don't want to be ridiculed, but I will be using diluted chemical (12-4-8 NPK) fertilizer throughout the grow from a local Ag store, and 2 23w 2700k CFLs for veg, then 6500k with an additional 23w bulb for flowering.
    One plant sprouted within 3 days, the other never poked up..
    I am left with one plant now and attached photos are of the plant last week currently in a coffee can, I will be transplanting into a 1 Gal pot before I flower.
    Thanks for viewing and feel free to offer any suggestions!!


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