My first blunt!

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by lauraisfrknawsm, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. The first thing I ever rolled! :love:
    Pretty huh?
  2. props son its lookin like a fatty
  3. Good job, sweetheart! How was it? Or didn't you enjoy it yet?
  4. Not yet, my son is awake
    Can't wait though! It's chocolate :yummy:
  5. fuckin amazing beyond amazing...take advantage of your're one of the few born with this amazing talent.
  6. looks deadly,

    i personally have never smoked a blunt and have been smoking 4 years

  7. I've never smoked one either. So this will be interesting haha.
  8. hahaha have fun:p
  9. i gotta get me a chocolate philly ive never had one
  10. Nicely done =] Enjoy
  11. Looks delicious! Beautifully crafted, looks like it'll pack a punch. Enjoy it :)
  12. beautiful job for your first blunt!
  13. Nice I'm set to never have to leave the bed ;)
  14. damn...... u got bars

  15. Lol thanks everyone

    And... do you ever leave the bed anyway? No!
  16. Personal blunts are the SHIT
  17. You have skills, girl! That is a fatty :p what flavor blunt, btw?

    Smoke that shit already! :hello:

  18. Lol chocolate, and I will when my kid goes to bed, gotta be responsible!
  19. good shit!!!

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