My First, and Horrible Shroom Trip....

Discussion in 'General' started by BNelley24, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. Decided to eat an eigth of shrooms with two of my friends on Sunday night, even though I had class at 8 am, money problems, and girl problems. Not a good match. I was nonetheless excited.

    Ate them straight, took a shit and within 10 minutes my pupils were hella dialated. Started to get a little anxiety, and questioned whether or not I should have taken them (not good). I decided to go off with my friend who had not taken them (another bad decision). We went down to my place and I started to have some visuals. Lights looked brighter than usual. We went into my place and I tdol him I NEEDED to watch tv or something. I started to become paranoid. TV scared me because faces on the tv started to become distorted. It was almost like I rejected what I was seeing. I told him we need to get the fuck outside and walk around. We did and circled my apartment complex like 3-4 times. I would see trees get bigger almost, glow, and all different types of shit. At this point I couldn't sit still. I needed to keep going and going. I told him we needed to get the fuck back up with my other friends who were tripping too. This is when shit hit the fan. I laid on his bed, and things started to go nuts. Streamers, visuals. I couldn't tell which things I was tripping from and which things were real. My "buddy" who I trusted was fucking with me. He'd shine a light on the wall, and I'd ask him if he was really doing that and he told me no (which he was). This made me scared thinking I was truly hallucinating hardcore. I then lost reality with the world. Almost like I was trapped inside my own body. The kid who was supposed to be my friend became my brain. He was everything bad I was doing in life. He kept telling me he was my subconscious, and me on shrooms believed him. He decided I needed to lay down, which was the exact opposite. He made me do things, thinking it was to my benefit, but he was the reason I began to freak out. I began to sink deeper out of reality. I then at times started to cry because I was scared and at one point and thought everything I was seeing was a hallucination, and that I was sick and in the hospital on a dying bed. I hallucinated hearing hospital noises and needles going into my arm. My buddy kept telling me to keep my hands at my side, but that made me think he was the doctor telling me to do shit. I told him "If you are out there Tom, tell my family I love them, and that I'm sorry".

    I eventually thought I had died and the feelings of confusement and torture were happenening because I was in hell, a SCARY,SCARY idea. I kind of started to freak out, ran into the hall telling people I needed help.

    They eventually got me back to my buddy who was tripping. I started to come down a bit. I lost track of time obviously so didn't know if I was tripping for 20 minutes or a week.

    We started to have a conversation and it calmed me down (even though it was almost impossible to hold a conversation lol)

    The next morning I skipped my classes obviously, but can't stop thinking about my experience of death.

    This weekend I plan on tryin them in a safe place, and since I have paid off my debts and other stuff I plan to have a great time.

    Bottomline, dont have a trip if you aren't psychologically prepared. (sorry for typos gtg)
  2. Sorry to hear that, hopefully next time (if there is a next time) you know what to expect and can control it a little better. First three times I did shrooms I took a half eigth, then I started taking eigths. I haven't had a bad trip yet (knock on wood).
  3. It seems like your friend is a dick. Sorry about that dude.
  4. yea for real i would slap him around a bit for fucking with you, not cool at all.
  5. Yeah, thats fucked up that your friend gave you a bad trip. I started out with half an eighth as i would trip hard for a good 3-4 hours, then just get waves of trippin for a little bit. Sorry to here..definitely need to be in a chill enviroment..with something to do. good luck . peace
  6. I'd kick your friend's ass. What a dick. :(
  7. That really sucks. I hope it don't turn ya off shrooms for long, cause it's mostly fun. I had my first bad shroom trip last year, it wasn't like super scary terrible but I felt like shit. Only one of sixty or so trips tho.
  8. yeah dude your "friend" seems like a fucking douche bag! if someone did that to me while i was shroom'in i would beat the fuck out of their ass, i would fucking bloody their face! man fuck that kid, he ruinded your trip, what a dick. sorry you had a bad trip though, that sucks.
  9. A real shroom trip is an adventure deep into your psychology. I like to think of it as burning through the deepest shadows in your mind , and rising out of the ashes of the experience. Sometimes you'll find answers, other times you'll find chaos. Crying also isn't that out of the ordinary during a shroom trip. My friend was having the best time of his life and started tearing up for no reason lol.. It's much better you experienced it this way first, now you'll have a mutual respect for the mushrooms. (Also known as the food of the gods.) Deffinitely not a party drug..
  10. I've learned as much from my bad trips as I have from my good ones. There should never be a regretable experience with psychedelics. It's good that you're willing to try them again.
  11. my first time on shroooms was baddd....chewed like 2 grams..went outside..omg the worst thing i coulda done...haha, next time i tried it i stayed inside and it was amazing haha
  12. That's kinda weird, I love being outside tripping. When I'm inside I feel cooped up and wanna just get out and walk around. I can see maybe if you live in a city, but I have woods all around my house. Nature is the best when your tripping, it's like going back to your roots.

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