My experience subbing urine for a drug test

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by ikon848, May 24, 2017.

  1. Hi everyone! I want to share my experience yesterday substituting my friend's urine for a drug test. I read a lot of other people's experiences subbing on these forums, and they really helped me out.

    I had a walk-in pre-employment drug test with Concentra. So right before it I went to my friend's house to get his clean pee. I put it in a 2 oz old pill bottle I had laying around. (I was gonna use Listerine bottle, but it sometimes made this loud popping noise when I trying to open it, so I forgo that one). I was worried the 2oz bottle would be a little small, but it was actually a little more than I ended up needing.

    I opened a pack of Hand Warmers on the drive from my friend's house to the clinic, since they seem to take 20 min or so to warm up.

    I got to the clinic and parked a couple blocks away. I had a ThermaFlask of hot water, so I dropped the bottle in for a couple minutes to warm it up. When I took it out it was 108 F. I waited a few minutes... 102 F. A couple more minutes... 99 F. Perfect. I taped a hand warmer to the bottle and put it in my pants.

    I am a woman and this is what I had going on under my pants: a tight pair of panties, and a tight pair of men's boxer briefs over that. I put the bottle right up against my pussy, with its body heat warming it from one side, and the hand warmer warming it on the other side. I took the temperature of the bottle with my Vicks thermometer right before I got out of my car: 97 F. I was worried it was a little cold, I'd rather it be more on the hot side since i can cool it down easier than warming it up once I'm in the bathroom. But whatever, I'm sure it's good.

    I walk into the clinic and try to act normal. I did a pretty bad job I think, I was REALLY nervous. But the clinic people seemed super chill and no one looked at me suspiciously or anything. I had to wait for like 30 min. I brought a magazine to read but I seriously could not concentrate on it, my heart was pounding! And my hands were shaking as they were holding the magazine, and I was paranoid someone would notice haha. But no one did. I was kinda worried the bottle might slowly lose temp, but I wasn't too worried about it since it had the hand warmer on it, plus I could feel its warmth against my body so I knew it was still warm.

    Finally I got called in. The lab tech was super chill and nice. She didn't pat me down, but she had me empty my pockets and leave my bag outside the bathroom. She handed me a cup to pee in and told me to fill it about halfway. It was a small cup - halfway full probably would've been 1.5 oz of pee.

    The bathroom was really private! It was a floor-to-ceiling door/wall, so she couldn't see my feet underneath the stall. And it seemed really insulated so I don't think she could hear very well on the other side.

    I went into the bathroom and immediately took the bottle of pee out and poured it into the cup. I then quickly peed a little bit into the toilet, for the sound effect I guess, plus I needed to pee because dilution had been my backup method. I was in such a hurry because I was worried the pee would get cold fast once exposed to air, and I forgot to be quiet while putting the bottle cap back on. It made a popping noise which I thought in my anxious state was super loud, but she didn't seem to notice. Whew!

    She immediately put a lid onto the cup, it's an eCup so it has a smart lid that automatically checks for temperature and the 5 drugs they test for. She said the results will be emailed to my company within 25 min. I went home and got an email with the results: everything was clear!

    Everyone says this and it's so true: it was EASY. I was overthinking this test way too much. If I have to do this again, I'll be so much more confident because I know now that it's no big deal.

    Ok now for an obligatory rant: I can't believe I had to go through this. It's a sales job - why the hell do they care if I smoke weed in the privacy of my own home after work? How would that possibly affect my competency as an employee in any way? I smoke medical marijuana a few times a week, both recreationally and for medical reasons. How is that a problem? I am very good at my job, at this company almost missed out on a great employee because of this crazy barbaric drug testing policy. I feel like we're still living in the Dark Ages.
    • Like Like x 4
  2. Good to know that it did work for you.

    Btw, we are still living in the Dark Ages imo :) .
  3. Thank you so much for posting this. I have a drug test coming up at Concentra and I'm planning on subbing and I've been freaking out so much and this post has helped so much. I read a lot of tutorials on subbing, keeping warm, etc. But to have specifics from the place I'm going to in 2017 is so super helpful.
  4. Hey guys.

    Just wanted to bump this post, in fact i made a profile just so I could because this write up was perfect.

    I've been reading and researching these forums for years now. I am the proverbial pot smoker, having done so myself for about a decade. I just wanted to let you guys know that this method does work and is the exact way I've gone about it (right down to the 2oz bottle lol).

    I needed to inform you all that I've done this for at least a dozen jobs since 2009, and it has always worked flawlessly for me. Well, except two times which you'll probably get a kick out of hearing. It was always super important to me to be able to smoke my herb, not for the fact that I had to keep smoking but because I wouldn't put up with any person or organization trying to rule over what I did personally for money (word to the OPs endpost rant).

    The two times this didn't go so well for me were:

    During a job app for a security gig where they tried to drug test me on the spot. Fortunately the chick administering the test was a flake. I faked like I dropped the test in the toilet, handed it back to her wet and said I'd come back tomorrow. Once I did I made sure I showed up with the OPs method. Flawless victory.

    The second time was some pure degrading shit. My kids mom told family services I was a pothead. Had to show up and take a test for them. What I didn't know was that they were gonna watch me in the stall. No way bottle method was gonna work. Told em I was uncomfortable with that since, ya know I wasn't actually in trouble with the law and I felt it was BS anyway cuz she smokes as much as I did. Left with the bottle still between my nuts, came back a week later with the PISSINATOR (that thing worked, even if I got the wrong skin tone. But that's a story for another time ).

    My main thing is just do a little research so you guys know what you're walking into, who's doing the test and where it'll be given. Google is your friend. It's thanks to all you guys on here that I was able to pull any of that shit off. When I saw what OP put up I had to let all of you know it's very legit, just be careful and follow her steps exactly.

    For those that wanna know, I don't enjoy Mary anymore. After ten years it was enough, I just got sick of all the bullshit, the fake people and users around me, the comments from friends and family, the waste of money (I ran through three Os solo before I quit). I enjoy pot more than anyone, but at a certain point you gotta let go. I did it for me. The vivid dreams suck at first, so does the insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of the main activity you do, people you sortve liked being around and all the social shit weed leads us to. But you're better for it in the end I believe. Not to say I won't ever time again, but just like OP said, to have to do this much to keep up a habit is a little ridiculous, even if they are just a bunch of bureaucrats willing to pay you.

    Either way, keep blazing or don't. Just value the experiences you got to enjoy and the future you'll take hold of. Good luck my (former) fellow stoners!
  5. #5 HereTwoHelp, Jun 8, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
    I promised myself that if all the advice and tips I obtained to pass my drug test were successful that I would keep this thread alive with a condensation of knowledge for anyone in the future. It's reasons like this why I truly love the internet (maybe more than the herb that has brought all of us into a similar predicament). Okay so here we go...

    A little backstory first off: I'd been clean for about two months due to legal trouble and thought I was in the clear for the first time in a while. I'd gotten a promotion at work and decided to celebrate with about a gram of concentrates... yum. So everything is going well and I arrive to my new position with no premonition of a drug test until the new client that I work for springs it on me that I must be credentialed to work on site (FUCK I'd smoke a gram of concentrates to myself 7 days ago - NO WAY I could clean my system). I'm scheduled for a drug test with 4 days notice - no time to get clean so I hit the internet for research and here's what I find.

    Option #1: Detox drinks - hit or miss IMO, they work for the occasional smoker trying to clear up quickly and I know some people report success with them, but if you're seriously trying to pass a drug screen then I'd opt for the options below.

    Option #2: Fake Urine - again hit or miss, you really get what you pay for here and if you don't have a real homie that's willing to share some grade-A, drug-free urine this might be your best bet. Sub-solution is who I'd recommend, they've got a solid track record and the x2 refund policy if you fail (not ideal, but at least you still profit from your misfortune a little bit) adds some reassurance. QuickFix 6.2 seems okay as long as you check the batch number and are cool with rolling the dice a little bit.

    Option #3: Dilution - follow N2's Dilution method to the letter and you might be able to get away with this one. Here are the instructions if you absolutely do not have time to pursue alternate options:

    Time permitting, 2-3 days before the test you will want to begin raising you Creatinine levels. Creatine, which metabolizes into Creatinine in 24-48 hours, can be raised with red meat and/or Creatine supplement, available on line or at nutritional food stores. The amounts of Creatinine metabolites are measured as part of the urine integrity check (the check to see if the sample is urine and if it is diluted). Creatinine level must be 20mg/dl or greater. 200-250mg/dl ranges are ‘my’ normal. For more info on Creatine loading go to

    Step 1. 4-12 hours before the test take 4 aspirin (not Tylenol or Advil). This step may be repeated every 4-6 hours up until 4 hours before the test.
    Step 2. 3-4 hours before your test, start by drinking 2, 8oz. glasses of water. Water can be substituted for with Cranberry or fruit juice, teas or even soft drinks. Then drink another 8oz. every 15 minutes for the next hour for a total of 6 glasses of water (48oz). I'd recommend Gatorade to keep specific gravity in a reasonable range.
    Step 3. In about 1 - 2 hours (depending on your system) you should be voiding ‘clear’ urine about every 15 - 20 minutes. Continue to drink 3-4 oz. more water to replace what you've voided every 20-30 minutes.
    Step 4. 1-2 hours before the test, take vitamin B2 or B complex (about 10 times the daily recommended dosage). If the vitamins are time release, crush them before taking. You may also take vitamin B with each glass of water, 2 times the daily dosage if you find it easier.

    That's it. Within 30 - 45 minutes of taking your vitamins, if you took your vitamin B in 1 dose, your pee should turn from clear to "vitamin" yellow and remain so for the next 2-4 voids. Be sure you have voided diluted urine at least 3-4 times before you test. It is always best to do a practice run as everyone is different and times may vary. Good luck, remember to post your results, and don’t forget that a diluted results, while not the results wanted, IS NOT a failed results but may require a re-test. For more info on diluting/water loading, go to
    Hope that helps!!! N2

    PS There is no absolutely 100% effective dilution method. But these guidelines will, IMHO, work as well as ANY magic potion, better than many magic potions and you got it here for FREE$$$$$$$"
    ^I give all credit to N2 for pioneering this method and the logic behind it is pretty sound.

    Option #4 (your best bet) REAL, CLEAN Urine from a friend/associate: This is clearly your best bet for obvious reasons - unable to be detected as synthetic and will pass dilution tests, or anything else they throw at the sample while it undergoes lab analysis.

    Okay now that we've talked through the options I'll discuss my plan of attack.

    I'm a firm believer that you should ALWAYS have a backup plan because there are simply a lot of things in life that are out of our own control. This is why my plan A was option #4 and my plan B was option #3. So let's talk about how I carried out Option #4 (same plan of attack if you're using synthetic urine as well).

    First off lets purchase some supplies:
    - 3oz silicone travel shampoo bottle (available at Walmart - will stay in place better bc silicone)
    - Hot-hands (hard to find if out of season, just call around and somewhere will have them)
    - Digital thermometer (Essential)
    - Rubber-bands (Attach hot hands to sample bottle)
    - Two pairs of boxer briefs (Gotta rock the Calvins for confidence)

    Based on my research, human urine is best used within 24 hours if kept refrigerated and can be frozen for at least a few months (possibly longer, but using really old samples is never a good idea). The fresher the better, but in my case, I had to drive about an hour to meet up with a friend able to give me a clean sample the night before my test. I tossed the bottle into a cooler on ice and drove home where I stored it in my fridge overnight. When you chill urine certain compounds will precipitate out of solution due to the temperature change, so don't worry if your sample looks cloudy when you take it out of the fridge because it will clear up when heated back to temp.
    The most important thing that I literally cannot stress enough is to PRACTICE!!! Over and over and over until you feel like you can do it with your eyes closed. Walk around with the sample "nut-tucked" to get a feel of what it's like, take temperature trials (Use water in your sample bottle with handwarmers), see how much temp drop you get when pouring your sample into a room temp cup. Think of everything.
    Many people ask if they will be watched when they provide their sample. You won't. Unless you're on probation or taking a drug test for legal purposes a pre-employment drug screen will not be supervised unless you give them a significant reason to do so. In my case, the sample was taken behind a closed door and I got very lucky with this - if you have an open door test practice like someone is standing behind you and facing away from you in the doorway. The sample MUST be between 90-100 degrees F (no ifs, ands, or buts) if it isn't they will refuse it and notify your employer.
    Temperature is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing as far as I'm concerned so make sure you can get within range even if you have to wait for awhile when you arrive to the facility like I did (I waited about an hour in the lobby even though I had an appointment - wtf).

    So here's the story of my test. I had an appointment at 9am about an hour away from where I live. I spent the entire day before my test practicing and doing temperature trials to make sure I was confident (confidence is ESSENTIAL to pulling this off - practice and listen to some hype up music on your way to the facility, trust me). Picked up the urine that night and drove home (unless you are 100% sure your friend is clean I would also test their urine because none of this is worth it if you sneak more dirty piss into the test). I woke up at 5am the day of my test and followed N2's Dilution Method to the letter as a back-up plan in case my sample was cold, spilled, or if I was heavily observed by staff. I pulled my sample from the fridge and placed it in a glass of warm water to bring it to room temp (at the same time I opened up a hand warmer to let it heat up). DO NOT OVERHEAT your sample it may degrade natural compounds when exposed to high heat. Once your sample is at room temp give it 10 seconds in the microwave and then check the temp with your digital thermometer (should be around 99 degrees). I took the temp of my real urine as well (99 degrees just so I knew what I was aiming for). Once my sample was warmed to the proper temp I rubber-banded a hand-warmer, nut-tucked it between two pairs of boxer briefs, and headed out to the facility.
    When you arrive to the facility check the temp one last time in the parking lot. Use your A/C to cool it off if you're over 102F and keep a thermos of HOT water in case you need to bring temp back up quickly. Protocol for walking into the facility: be nice to everyone, the front desk, nursing staff, your physician, etc. because if there is a mild discrepancy I guarantee that an employee won't freak out if the person in question has been pleasant and is dressed nicely for their entire visit. Make small talk or chit-chat with the nurse and don't give her any reason to assume you're about to sneak one past her.
    I waited in the lobby for an hour before I was called back which made me really nervous about sample temp. and I was honestly ready to roll the dice with Plan B and try the dilution method. Luckily when I got into the bathroom my temp was fine (the drug screen cup will have a temperature strip on it nicely letting you know if you're fucked or not before you hand in the sample). As soon as I got in the room I dropped the pants and dumped my sample into the test-cup as quiet as a church mouse./ Be sure to actually pee in the toilet and cut your piss off mid stream for long enough to "fill" the sample cup then finish your piss and stash your container.
    The nurse will check the temp right in front of you and if something is fishy, trust me you'll know. My nurse even went on to talk about how people try to bring in fake samples and heat them up with hand-warmers (HAHAHAHA I was dying inside at this point because she had no idea I'd done the exact same shit). After that I strolled right out of there and did about 700 fist-pumps once I got to my car because I DID IT and you can too if you practice, remain confident, and don't severely fuck it up for yourself by acting sketchy or walking around like you've got two dicks in your pants.
    Lastly, DO NOT call your employer or the lab about the results of your test. Nothing is sketchier than an employee asking about a drug test unless your employer specifically tells you to do so.

    Well this was an intense post, but I hope that I'm able to help at least one person avoid getting fucked over because of a smidge of pot in their pee. Say what you want about marijuana, but at the end of the day weed is tight. Peace out homies, praise it and blaze it.
  6. I just passed a drug test I subbed with quick fix
  7. Question.. I get drug tested 2-3 times a week so I had to figure something oit.. so this is what I done..

    I am a female btw. I purchased quick fix 6.2, went to store and found the perfect bottle that wld work in my Vag put the quick fix into the bottle then shoved it u know wbere. My tests are observed so I cover the opening with foil and rubber band when I went for the test everything went great until my results still showed positive for meth.. is there any way I failed bc of residue on my fingers or what could have went wrong here
    I'm completely confused PLEASE HELP!!
  8. This was the best advice I found out there, and it worked for me. Thanks! My story is just slightly different. I had a friend meet me at the testing facility. She pees in a cup and poured it into a hand sanitizer bottle that I provided. It was perfect size 1.5 oz. First thing I did was check the temp and it was at 95 degrees. I had already been testing with a hand warmer and water in the same bottle, so I wrapped a hand warmer around the bottle using a rubber band to let it warm back up to body temp. I got it warm back up to 97 degrees, but I was worried if I had to wait too long, it would cool down, so I left the hand warmer on it and put it in my pants between my legs. I'm a female, so I decided to wear a dress with one pair of panties and a pair of cut off spanks with the bottle in between my panties and spanks to hold it securely in place. Problem is, I did have to wait at least 30 minutes and I could feel that it was getting hot Down there, so I switched over to another chair because they were cold metal chairs. I even stood up and walked around a bit made conversation with the receptionist as to not look suspicious. I got called back, she handed me the cup with the temp strip on it, I go into the bathroom, sit down immediately, take the bottle out, I could feel that it was super hot, I began pouring it slowly into the cup as I am slowly peeing into the toilet. I could tell by looking at the temp strip that it was too hot, so I set it down on the floor where it's cold as I continued peeing. I'm not kidding I picked it up swirled it around in the cup while blowing on it to cool it down. I was doing this all while slowly peeing in the toilet with the nurse standing right outside the door, so I know she could hear me. I finished up, put the bottle back in my pants and walked out of the bathroom where she asked me to put the cup down on the table, I made small talk, saying "sorry, I've been holding it for a long time and really had to go" because I knew she could hear me peeing for a long time She did the 10 panel test right in front of me and checked off that temp was correct range and all was negative yay I hope this helps someone else, drug tests are ridiculous just for a little THC
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Pill bottle for the win... I use them to start seeds in.

    Attached Files:

  10. It was a great post ever. Thanks for your beautiful share.
  11. Listen here little Johnny, you don't eat when you're hungry, you eat when your told to eat.

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