my ex just came by

Discussion in 'General' started by skinnerbox, Jan 26, 2010.

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  1. He dropped off everything I ever gave to him including any letters or cards or drawings I gave to him. I think he's getting back at me in his way because I broke up with him. Still, I shouldn't be punished for breaking up with someone fuckk.
  2. Y'd you break up with him?
  3. because nothing seemed to make him happy and he his life revolved around me. I want someone who is passionate about something not someone. I want someone who isn't so dependent on me.
  4. So wait. You broke up with him because was in love with you?

  5. That's what it seems like...

    So if someone get's too close to you you dump him? And how is he punishing you for giving back everything you gave him. If anything it's punishment for him!
  6. Last two posters, you kind of seem like you're putting words in her mouth.

    She said nothing made him happy, he was completely dependent on her, and his entire life revolved around here.

    I broke up with my last girlfriend almost 4 years ago now for that reason, and I haven't dated anyone seriously because so many girls are like that, it's good to know a few like her aren't.

    You can love someone with being obsessed with them.

    Anyways OP, what do you expect? You broke up with him, now he's giving you back the shit you gave him. He could have just tossed it all in the trash, maybe he thought you might want some of it.
  7. I didn't mean to put words in her mouth...

    Dunno i wasn't there so i don't know the full story
  8. Seems like he wants to burn the bridge, sever the tie, cut the cord. He doesnt want anything that reminds him of you.

  9. Sorry, just reread my post and seem like I was in "attack mode". It's just that I can relate to that guy, and idk about his case, but in mine I did nothing wrong and I treated her like a princess. But then she ends it out of the blue. But it's water under the bridge (except she's a cunt). Got a new girl now who appreciates how much attention I show her and I show the same for how much she shows me. I need to hear more details though to assess the situation more.
  10. I feel you on that one. I left my ex because she was a lazy fuck who didn't care to have goals and succeed in life. :rolleyes: my standards are much much higher than that and I'd certainly hope yours are too. Can't expect to be the only one with goals, fawk that!

    A relationship takes two, not one doing anything and everything. Spending too much time together can be detrimental to the relationship anyway, gotta have a proper balance on together time and alone time.

  11. This is true somewhat. It varies from person to person, and until you find someone who fit's your "balance", then it might not work out in the end. I've been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years, and it's hard not to see each other at least every other day. She is also my best friend whom I can actually have a good time with just hanging out. Not to mention when were in bed...

    But you just have to find someone who enjoys more alone time than cuddle time.

    Gotta go through a few before you find that right person.
  12. He probably just want to forget about you, make it hurt less.

    If you're feeling guilty about it there's probably a reason. *shrug*

    Time to live with your decisions.
  13. Oh I know. I'm having a bit of a confusing moment with my current relationship though haha.

    long story that I am not gonna go into :p.

  14. On another note, what did you expect? You broke up with him and he wants nothing to remember you. You chose to move on so why shouldn't he.
  15. shes got a point. i mean have any yall had a clingy girl? shit sucks. i mean i love my GF to death but we also both understand that we need time apart. we go out together some weekends and others i go out with my boys and she hangs with her bitch of a friend but it works out.
  16. yeah I understand what you guys are saying I'm happy and live with my decision we broke up almost 2 months ago that's why it's so sudden we were getting along just fine as friends. this just made me hurt I didn't feel hurt at all when I broke up with him I just don't understand why he gave all the letters back and the pictures. It just makes me feel as if he's repulsed by memory or something after all of that he just wants to forget me. It's sad.

  17. That's actually probably the case. It's all a part of breaking up.
  18. maybe you didn't really care then? :poke:
  19. I don't mean to belittle your situation or say that you did the wrong thing, but this is what ya get.

    This is why it should be a big decision to end a relationship. These are the ramifications you deal with.

    You'll be alright (both you and he). Time heals.
  20. I don't understand how someone can't have any emotions during the break up or afterwards. That's why I thought my ex was cheating on me because of how fast she moved on from me lol. Woulda been kinda hard for someone to cheat if they were at your place for weeks at a time though.
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