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My ears turn red

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Thekidthatshigh, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. Does any one know why, or have the same thing happen where my ears turn red when I smoke?
  2. maybe put ice on them?
  3. Your smoking too much and when that happens the smoke has nowhere else to leave your body but your ears, thus getting your ears high .
    These should do the job :

  4. Do they get more red when you have smoked better weed?
  5. Sometimes I feel like my ears are red but my hair covers em so I never really know, just grow your hair out so nobly can see your goofy red ears
  6. [quote name='"vespathug"']Sometimes I feel like my ears are red but my hair covers em so I never really know, just grow your hair out so nobly can see your goofy red ears[/quote]

    Haha I used to but my hair is curly and very goofy

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