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My DREAM bong

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MaryJinactivist, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. im not quite sure bout this but is it possible to put percolators in a hurricane bong? i aint seen nothin on it online.
    if so here's my list:
    • 4 ft hurricane bong
    • color changing
    • cool ass ma effin design
    • 4-6 percs in it
    • diffuser w/ ash catcher

    so whaddya guys think? any add ons maybe? haha
  2. The loss of suction would blow your mind
  3. 4-6 percs is the silliest thing I've ever heard of. And no, I don't think you can get percs on a hurricane.
  4. Do you mean 4-6 arms on the perc? Or 4-6 percs?

    My dream bong. A 26" double perced SNOB
  5. Cool first post bro'sky
  6. Ok tht bong would be useless. 2 percs is all you'd need, any more than that and itd take crazy lung strength to pull hits.
  7. Mines a 2 foot, 10 arm tree Luke Wilson with an inline system and a real nice ashcatcher to keep it flashy. All clear. Im buying it soon!

    One perc is plentyyyyy. Anything more than two is usually just so people can brag. really has no noticeable effect. 10 arm tree and inline seems perfect
  8. 4-6 perc arms* sorry haha
    and come to think of it, there are 3 perc bongs out there, so no, 2 isnt all i need....3 is ahhahahaha
  9. Even three perks are ridiculous, all you need is one.

    It's not like that third perk just improves your high at all, its basically just for show as someone stated earlier.

    They still look super slick though!
  10. 4-6 percs would cause SOOO much drag.
  11. this just makes me LOL. and yeah that lw double perc inline would be much better
  12. Yeah. IMO anything beyond that defeats the purpose since no longer are you even getting a bigger hit. One good perc is plenty, although the tube I want has a double with a 10 arm tree. I've never hit an inline but I definitely look forward to getting my LW.

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