My Dog just died..

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mischevious Man, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Oh man... I'm so sorry..
  2. that's terribly sad, i'm so sorry. i couldn't fathom my dog not being here, he's my world.
  3. Damn, Im sorry bro, I feel you're pain. My cat just died on sunday....he was only 3 years old. Some stupid fucking roommate let him out the house and he got ran over 10 feet from our door. Best cat ever, soo much fun and loved to get high as well.

    I just cant believe he is really gone forever.
  4. All dogs go to heaven dude. I'd cry if mine died. They're family, but that's the circle of life :(. You just have to remember all of the fun times. Try and do something to honor him/her. Get a new puppy and name it (dogsname) jr or some shit. Do something you guys always did together. You just need to get the tears out dude.
  5. Took me a few weeks to get over losing my cat. I assume he was killed by a bird or coyote. I would smash a motherfucker who hit my dog...fuck that. I am sorry, man.
  6. One thing in life - pets die. That's their nature, they're only with us for a short amount of time, so when you get a pet, you should prepare yourself for the inevitability that you will outlive them. That's not to say that you should be callous and cold, rather learn how to love them in the time you have, and mourn them when they're gone.

    But come on dude, you're an adult, have you never had to deal with death before? I do not mean to be mean, but like I said, pets die. In my 40 years I've had a dozen cats, and all but one of them have passed on. I've never owned a dog myself, but I've been close to a couple, and yes, they pass on as well.


    We all die.

    That's life.

    If you seriously are having that many problems getting over the death of a pet, and again I understand, pets are important, I would hate to see what happens when a human loved one passes on.

    It's a part of the maturing process you learn how to live with grief and mourn the dead.
  7. Just relax and try to understand he/she is in heaven and I know this shit sucks but it gets better.

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