My Dog Is Snoring...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SirenWasHere, Oct 6, 2010.

  1.'s fucking creepy.
  2. Haha my dogs and cat all snore sometimes. And they also twitch a lot when they sleep, or move their feet (like they're running in a dream). It's sooo funny to watch when you're high :laughing:
  3. My boxer snores all the time. She'll be laying her head next to me and all you hear is a deep, loud, disgusting snore. It's adorable though.
  4. My little dog goes "MEEeeeeeEEeeep MeeP MeeeEEEEEEEPP" in a very high pitched squeek when it's having a bad dream, it's funny.
  5. That's actually what Nero does. He's the sweetest pit you'll ever meet.

  6. not creepy... at all sorry LOL


    cause i seen this dawg

    [ame=]YouTube - Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog[/ame]

  7. I remember when i first started working on a farm, I had to bottle feed a calf that lose its mum. It was little, black, with a white face.
    As soon as it was done it curled up in a lil ball and started snoring. Twas adorable. ^-^
  8. Hahah, one of the funniest videos ive seen in a while
  9. lmfao i know right!!!

    its like 9.99/10 epic

    i love how he gets up barks and runs in the wall

    more gotta see it :p
  10. My dog is snoring right now, too!!! Lol, she's a bulldog so she's always making piggy noises. <3 I love it.
  11. Funny shit when they have bad dreams and what not.

    Oh the sounds Brutus will make :laughing:
  12. My beagle howls in her sleep, seriously funniest thing ever.

    That video is hilarious, I've seen it before but never gets old

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