My dog has cherry eye!

Discussion in 'Pets' started by junkheadrev, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Cherry eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Its not a huge deal and it shouldn't affect her eye sight,at least not for awhile.
    But its nasty and always leaks stuff so I'm constantly cleaning it.
    I can not afford to shell out $300 for a procedure that doesn't have a 100% success rate.
    Plus my local vet is a piece of shit.
    [ame=]Don't use Dr Snyder in Terrell, TX - YouTube[/ame]
    Have any of your pets experienced this and if so how did you treat it.
    Shes about 9 months and a beagle chihuahua mix.
  2. [quote name='"junkheadrev"']Cherry eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Its not a huge deal and it shouldn't affect her eye sight,at least not for awhile.
    But its nasty and always leaks stuff so I'm constantly cleaning it.
    I can not afford to shell out $300 for a procedure that doesn't have a 100% success rate.
    Plus my local vet is a piece of shit.
    Video Link:
    Have any of your pets experienced this and if so how did you treat it.
    Shes about 9 months and a beagle chihuahua mix.

    Hey man I have a 10ish year old chihuahua and hes also mixed with something. He came from a house were he was neglected so hes aluways growling too this day lol, but he never bites. But hes basicly had a cherry eye ever since we got him and we always thought it was because of stress. My parents ended up getting some procedure done and it got rid of it for about a year then it just comes and goes lol. sorry for the wall of text

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