I would, but im not a weed snob. I'd grind the fuck out of it, collect the kief and roll joints for weeks.
Yeah 80 is easily worth the wax, edibles, and blunts I would get out of it. My area has either dank or high mids sold as dank, but I would love to actually find some shit weed for cheap!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Should be a no brainer, and for that reason im sceptical. At 40 bucks an o it's probably like reggedy regs. Is 80 bucks really worth a bag of dirty, awfully grown nugs?Sent from my ST26a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
[quote name="VapeLifeAlex" post="19443394" timestamp="1391206603"]Ha, when is reg green?Reg-brownmid-light to dark green, few hairspotent marihuana-rainbow niggga[/quote] RAINBOW NIGGA!!!!!!!!!Sent from my MB886 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I have never see brown marijuana in my life. Not in person. Hell I haven't even seen 'mids' in like 5 years. Where did all of it go? I even tried looking for some a few years ago for some seeds, had no luck finding anything with any seeds.
You actually had to take the time to ask us that simple question? In some places you can barely get 1 OZ for 80...
Yea, only seen it once. Was bad man, didnt even wanna smoke it. Sold it to a noob as mid, got s text from em later that day sayin he was high af