My day came yesterday

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by bongalicouse, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. So in short I was busted yesterday by my bro (lame right?) and my mom. She wasn't mad at me and wasn't yelling or anything but she said she was disappointed. She hasn't told my dad yet who won't be back home until very late monday night. I was busted once before by them so this time i can't just say that it was a one time screw up. The first time i got caught they were furious and threw a bitch fit.

    This time it wasn't nearly so bad, i think because my dads not home and my mom used to smoke so she knows its not that bad. Do you think theres any way that i can convince my mom not to tell my dad? and if so how should i go about it. Thanks for any help, im hella nervous at how my dads gunna react. Also, if i can't convince her any way i can help my dad understand a bit more.?

    God I can't wait until i get out of community college and into university so i don't have to deal with this shit.
  2. sit down and watch The Union with your parents.

  3. I tried to do the same thing when I was caught, but as it seems; people love being ignorant.
  4. stop bitching, your mad because you got caught smoking in some one elses house?

    if your gonna toke in your parents home, the least you can do it be sneaky and safe about it. stop being a noob
  5. have a sit down with your mom and disscuss your opinions and reasons for smokeing pot, idk if it would work but its a good idea :)
  6. aight scratch my original post. my mom called my dad and told him. Suprisingly he was very relaxed and supportive about it and just told me that i had to stop. I was expecting to get yelled at and stuff but it went as well as it could possibly have gone.
  7. if you wanna be super stealth you should invest in the MFLB vaporizer.
  8. you dont have to tell your dad you know.

    talk to your mom, make your case, and make it great, sounds like she doesn't really care but morely cares because of the smell, and because your brother cares.

    talk to her alone and discuss the pros and cons, and how u two can work something out.

    good luck:wave:
  9. Did she confiscate the weed?
  10. yes she took my stuff which sucks cause i had just gotten it
  11. shes going to smoke it, you know...

  12. this..

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