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My Dank

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackman6123, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Should I grind it or not?
  2. What are you smoking out of
  3. The only time I don't grind is when the bud is too dry and would just turn to powder. Otherwise, grind that shit up.:smoke:

  4. just a regular glass pipe
  5. It's all personal preference really, when using a screen I tend to almost completely break it up for an even burn, when not using a screen I leave a bigger nugget to block the ash and other bud, and break the rest of it up a small amount, like little mini nugs
  6. Agree with easer. Without a screen I find ground just clogs my pipe and scoobies more in my mouth. It just got easier to put a bud in to block the hole. Now on the other hand if you rolling that shit up I say grind the fuck out of it.
  7. I always grind when rolling a j. I like to get an even burn in a piece also when i grind my weed. Sometimes its nice to just pinch it off urself and spark up. Its takes a little longer to burn. Its good if you are in the mood to enjoy the smoke longer.
  8. why is it that no one has adressed the debate about the loss of trichromies when you grind it?
  9. depends buddy what your smoking out offfffff :D:smoke:

  10. to lose them would mean you dont have them, if you have a kief catcher, while they are "lost" from the nugs, you still have the kief.... have you forgotten when you use your hands, you do actually lose the thriches? whether they become stuck on your skin, or fall off and get lost, you lost more with hands, than with grinder. Unless you just plug it up with a huge nug, then your just plain not trying hard enough hahahahahhaha

  11. my grinder has no kief collector, so would I lose more with the grinder or with hands breaking it up?
  12. #12 SIRSOG, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    well think about it this way, if you grind it, the kief should be in the grinder.... you can obtain it via iso alcohol if its not a kief screen grinder, and in a kief screen, its all collected for you, if you use your hands, even if you do it over paper or something to catch the falling kief, some will end up on your hands, and you cant really do anything about it. I mean if you grind it, and dump the bud onto paper, then put into the bowl, the kief thats fallen, should be on the paper, and you dont have to really touch the bud to load it, you can dump it into the bowl then press it down lol, you can avoid 90% of the skin contact. and if you ask me, it tends to be ground more evenly than when broken up, burns better, and saves time hahahahaha
  13. Nugglet on the bottom and sprinkles on top.
  14. i just use my hands to break it apart. i put a slightly larger piece at the bottom of the bowl then smaller pieces on top.

    i only grind for blunts. or if i specifically wanna have kief.

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