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My dank dried out, how can I get it moist again??

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by RaoulDuke402, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I posted this already in the apprentice forum, but I'm not gettin any love. So I come to you seasoned tokers, heres my problem.

    I only have over a gram and it got pretty dry over night so I just threw it in the freezer. Any other ideas? Thanks as always GC

  2. if ur sayn ur dank "dried" out that means 99% of the time it was still somewhat fresh from the plant. if it dried out it will break out much better so just smoke a bowl of it and see how it is. i prefer my dank to be dry so it breaks out right and tatse better
  3. Good news, I'm not gunna be able to smoke until later tonight so thats why I was worryin. But now that I dont have a reason to, I'll stop buggin out bout it.


  4. Dude you literally posted this 20 minutes ago in the apprentice forum

    But yeah what he said, weed really shouldn't be wet and if it is then it wasnt dried/cured properly. Once it dries out it loses weight so whoever sold it to you essentially ripped you off (whether it was intentional or unintentional i don't know).
  5. i've heard of putting an orange peel in the bag for a short time with the bud to give it some moisture but i've never tried it
  6. do this if you want your bud to be moist again. But it really doesn't matter.:smoking:

  7. or a piece of damp paper towel surrounded by scotch tape... so your good weed doesn't taste like orange. Kids at my old school did this to their nasty brown mexican brickweed, and it made the bud soggy rather than moist... don't do it.

    Just smoke that shit dry son!
  8. Orange peels or white bread works too but don't keep it in the bag for more than 3 hours, you might get mold.
  9. you can put a small chunk of fresh lettuce in with a jar or bag for a couple hours, but its important not to let the weed touch it or you can get mold. it makes the weed more moist without the orange flavor. I like moist/fresh weed better because it burns so much slower and you get to smoke longer.
  10. Orange peel is great, plus it gives your dank a little bit of an orangely smell. I personally like my weed a bit more "humid" if you will so I love this trick. If your weed is really dry leave it in a tight container with some orange peel (you dont need much at all) overnight, but too much longer and you risk mold.
  11. #11 leafsmoker212, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Just smoke it when you cop and this will never happen!

    -Leaf :smoking:

  12. I switched to baby carrots (those carrot sticks in a bag). I found the orange peel would cause mold far more than the carrot piece.:smoking:
  13. Sweet, I'll have to try that, prolly have baby carrots around more often then an orange anyways, thanks!
  14. just stick it in a moist vagina
  15. Bread is prolly your best choice
  16. buy a starbucks frappaccino glass bottle, drink the delicious goodness inside, rinse out the bottle and let dry. now get a apple peel or an orange peel or a piece of lettuce and put ur weed and the small peel or piece of lettuce in with ur weed for about an hour with the cap on it will work wonders guarnteed.

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