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My dank dried out how can I get it moist again

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RaoulDuke402, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I only have over a gram and it got pretty dry over night so I just threw it in the freezer. Anyother ideas? Thanks as always GC

  2. I usually put some cut up apple chunks in mine. Brings back the moisture and makes the weed taste like apples.
  3. Or orange peel.
  4. Put it in a container or bag.. with a piece of wet paper, it will retain some of its moisture after a lil minute
  5. Any fruit or vegetable will work. But keep a close eye on it or it can easily become too moist.
  6. Apart from Brussel Sprouts. Eugh. Imagain your weed tasting of that :p
  7. You should just smoke it :)
  8. I second the orange peels
  9. i agree. it doesnt really matter.
  10. Bit of noob question, but why would it matter? :confused:
  11. Because dried herb smokes just as well as damp herb, it just gets used up quicker.

    One EASY method is to put it in an air tight container with a SMALL piece of lettuce, preferably the stemmy part that contains a good bit of water. It doesn't need to be in there very long either.
  12. How long exactly?

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