My dad just told me some fucked up shit...

Discussion in 'General' started by Boosh, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Well, he was supposed to go to wal mart, and return an SD card he bought for his camera.

    So he leaves at about 7:15 or 7:20ish, and comes back at 8:15 exactly.

    So he calls my name as hes coming in the door, and I go see what he wants, and he tells me "You know, I cant remember what the fuck to do with that SD card. What am I supposed to do with it?"

    So Im like "... You were supposed to take it back to wal mart..."

    He goes on to tell me that he went to Mcdonalds (instead of wal mart) and couldnt remember for the life of him what a diet coke is called. He couldnt order his meal for a while cause he couldnt remember what everything was called.

    Now hes laying in his bed, he sounds sicker than shit, and he neglected to tell my mom about his memory problems. All he told her is that he got sick.

  2. Is there any chance he might be suffering from marijuana poisoning? :D
  3. I don't mean to be so heavy right now, but maybe you should call the hospital, it sounds like he could have had a stroke
  4. Dude, call the hospital. Seriously.
  5. Make sure he goes to see a doctor. Memory problems are nothing to try to "sleep off".
  6. This.
  7. Yeah, the hospital definitely sounds like the best place for him right now.
  8. A stroke eh? Ill go run it by my mom, but I dont think thats going to be in the agenda.

    EDIT: THEN again, hes in and out of the hospital every 4 to 6 months, and it IS coming back around that time...

  9. really. please do this, can it really hurt? I mean, my dad showed interesting signs of stuff that could lead to a stroke, and had he gone 2 more days without going to the doctor, he would not be alive right now. I really don't wanna bring you down man, but its hard not to sound negative about this stuff. Really, call the doctor or something man. Best of luck with this, shits tough, but im sure you will ALL get through it fine.

    For me at least, the best thing to do is call the doctor do what you can for your dad, and then try to get things off your mind when he is with the doc.

  10. Yea, I wouldn't have him sleep it off... He might never wake up. Take him to the ER and explain the symptoms.
  11. either stroke or some major alzheimers
  12. Or ridiculous bud :cool:.
  13. how old is he?...maybe Alzheimers..?
  14. call your or his doctor right away man.
    what you explained does not sound good.
    im sure he will be fine, but get him to the doctor right away to get him checked out
  15. Hospital immedietly. Amnesia is a VERY serious symptom, and needs to be addressed immedietly. DO NOT LET HIM GO TO SLEEP. Take him in NOW. Youll regret it later if you dont bro, sorry to be negative, but you may be saving his life
  16. WOW.

    Stroke, alzheimer's, tumor; that is extremely dangerous. He needs to see a doctor FAST.
  17. Yep, definitely stroke "warning signs." Hospital or at least call the doctor and have the doctor tell him to go to the hospital. Sorry to hear that. Best of luck with everything. :(
  18. Stroke/heart problems run in my family
    i've lost 2 uncles and an aunt to either stroke or heart attack

    Calling wont hurt.
  19. he could also have a concussion. i was mildly concussed after standing up and hitting my head on an open cupboard door, 10 minutes later i couldn't remember why my head hurt, and when my wife asked me to describe our wedding day i said, we did what? When?

    get him checked out.
  20. Sounds like how I act when I have taken Xanax. Im sorry its just the first thing that came to my mind. Regardless, call the doctor he has been seeing because they will know his history and go from there.

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