He had a ball of flesh under his skin and he got it cut out and biopsied and it turned out be skin cancer. He said theyd just have to cut deeper and hed have a big scar on his face but hed be alright. does anyone have experience with skin cancer? I wanna believe him but i dont want to convince myself that everythings alright
Sorry to hear that, man. My old man had skin cancer under his cheek a number of years ago. I was younger at the time, so didn't pay much attention to the details, but it sounds similar to what you've described. He had surgery, had it removed, and had a scar on his face. It's eight or nine years later now and the scar isn't even very noticeable anymore and there hasn't been a problem since. Best of luck to your dad, and good vibes that all goes well. I'm sure it will
My dad has had it twice. They had to cut off part of his ear but he was fine afterwards. A few years ago it came back but they detected it early and he got two layers of skin from part of his ear but recovered. Just be there for your dad and let him know everything will be fine and that it could be much worse.
well just so you know skin cancer is one of the easiest to treat and has a very high success rate he should be fine not trying to say that it's not something to be worried about at all but he should be ok
My dad had malignant melanoma on his nose years ago when i was a teenager. I guess it was caught early enough to where he just had surgery to remove it (taking a chunk out of the side of his nose), then he had some reconstructive surgery to fill in the hole it left. It looked pretty bad for a while, but it healed pretty decently. Cant even tell nowadays that he had the surgery in the first place. It was well over a decade ago and hes still cancer free.
Last year they found a tumor in his bladder, one malignant on his arm, another malignant on his lip. He got the ones in the arm and in lip removed. They were a type of skin cancer which's name I can't recall. The one in his arm was like a small scab and on his lip was like a blue spot. He got them removed and has been just fine. The only way skin cancer is really dangerous is if it's melanoma or it has metastasized to other organs. His problem was a mixture of cigarettes and karma.
skin cancer is usually nothing to worry about unless it has spread to other more vital parts of the body.