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Cancer My cousin suffers from cancer, needs access to cannabis oil.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by hi123yu, Mar 26, 2016.

  1. My cousin has been suffering from cancer on and off for about 2-3 years now and we are looking into cannabis oil for her.
    The problem is she currently lives in Germany and is not a resident in the US, is there any way possible she could get access to medical marijuana dispensaries if she visits as a tourist.

    If anyone could tell me more details about obtaining cannabis oil in any country & way, please let me know!
  2. Can I Buy Marijuana While I Visit Colorado?

    In short yes. Any adult, over the age of 21 can possess and consume marijuana in the State of Colorado. The law makes no distinction about in state residents versus tourists, in terms of the possession, purchase or consumption of marijuana in Colorado.

    How Much Marijuana Can I Have?

    This is where the law does make a distinction between residents and visitors. An adult with a valid Colorado ID can purchase up to one ounce of marijuana, while an individual with an out of state ID can purchase up to one quarter ounce at a time.

    How Do I Purchase Marijuana?

    Think of it much like purchasing alcohol. All you have to do is present a valid government issued ID, showing you are over the age of 21, and you are free to make your purchase up to the legal amount.

    Where Can I Buy Marijuana?

    Initially the State licensed 136 stores, statewide, allowed to sell marijuana. Keep in mind that cities, towns and counties are allowed to ban the sale of marijuana, and many have, like Colorado Springs for instance. Probably the best guide I’ve seen on legal pot shops was put together by the Denver Post.

    If her life is at risk drop everything and simply move.. There really is no question..

    Expert: You Don't Have to Be a State Resident to Get Medical Marijuana In California Right Now
    This thread covers why you should be able to get her a card in California It's going to be an uphill battle but it can be done for an out of state resident or tourist..

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  3. Hello,

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  4. Id trust the blackmarket before someone on Grass city
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