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My computer should be able to play this right? It wont...

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Tdot Toker, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. So i have skyrim on my computer. I checked and looked at the minimum requirements and im pretty sure i should be able to play this, maybe even half-alright.

    intel i7-2720qm 2.2ghz
    nvidia geforce gt540m
    8gb ram
    win 7

    well i played it. it can't run on lowest settings and lowest resolution (tried all). :confused:

    im just wondering if you guys can tell me if i should get my computer checked or fixed if its underperforming.
    i've tried a bunch of tips on improving my computer to play video games but nothing has worked.
  2. I've got almost the same specs but I have a 330m and 4 gbs of ram and I can run it on low settings, albeit at a pretty low framerate. Something doesn't seem right.
  3. What do you mean by "it can't run"? Error message? Slow and choppy gameplay?

    If the latter, try a new video driver.
  4. #4 Hydroriffic, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2011
    you graphics is lacking, it should run.... but barely on lowest settings.

    says 35fps avg. for your card.

    which means it will be even lower in some areas.

    So yes you should be able to play it but with barely playable framerates.

    Check out MSIafterburner, its a app that will allow to bump up your cards speed. Youll have to look into your cards capability's and limits. Never really overclocked anything on a laptop before so not sure how tempature will play a role. With a decent overclock you should see maybe 5fps+ idk though, only thing you can do really.
  5. Get a ati 6850 for 200 and you'll play it on ultra with 8x aa. Good card for the cheap price
  6. i think he has a laptop jlear3, it might be your CPU bro try updating drivers too
  7. dudes its not the cpu, its your gpu. Just get on xbox or something, unless you can upgrade your laptop somehow.
  8. i think it might be his drivers, look this guy has the same card and he can run skyrim

    [ame=]The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC Gameplay - High Settings On GT540M (HD 720p) - YouTube[/ame]

    some guy in the comments says he can play it on ultra with 2xAA with the same card
  9. Thanks for all the replies. Pretty sure Sourapple is right about the cpu. Ran some tests and benchmark tests and the gpu is running fine, it's the cpu that is lacking.
    I also ran a hardware check in Dell's "Support Centre" which showed everything working fine :confused: so I'm gonna take it into a store and see if they can have a look at it

    hopefully will be able to get this game running asap
  10. #10 SeanyCash, Nov 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2011
    [quote name='"Tdot Toker"']Thanks for all the replies. Pretty sure Sourapple is right about the cpu. Ran some tests and benchmark tests and the gpu is running fine, it's the cpu that is lacking.
    I also ran a hardware check in Dell's "Support Centre" which showed everything working fine :confused: so I'm gonna take it into a store and see if they can have a look at it

    hopefully will be able to get this game running asap[/quote]

    You could try to turn off hyperthreading in your bios. That can cause cpu issues with intel processors. Definitely causes problems in bf3

    Also shadows are cpu intensive in skyrim because of the way it's programmed. Try turning the shadows option down maybe?
  11. #11 Apu, Nov 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2011
    Hmm? 20 fps is enough to play a game. But to check if its your CPU load the game ctrl+al t+delete and check how much ram/cpu etc it is using. If that does not help my money is on the graphics card
  12. When i first played skyrim, the game was using integrated graphics and i had to white list the game in Nvidia Control Panel.

  13. tried that :(
  14. To know about this you have to Look at out MSI afterburner, its a app that will allow to run up your cards pace. You will have to look into your cards capability's and restrictions.
  15. Don't be silly, you have a pretty good CPU. A quad core 2.2 GHz is plenty.

    Who makes Skyrim? Find a support number for them. If everything else runs fine on your computer except Skyrim, then the problem is likely to be _________

  16. right, under normal circumstances the cpu will be plenty, I am almost certain that it is in some way broken/not working to its full potential.
  17. Check what processes are running. You may have too many things loading at startup that continue to interfere. :smoke:

  18. why get a 6850 for 200 when theres a 6870 for 160 after MIR
  19. unrelated question to my issue:
    Would a 6870 outperform a superclocked 560 gtx?
  20. [quote name='"Tdot Toker"']

    unrelated question to my issue:
    Would a 6870 outperform a superclocked 560 gtx?[/quote]

    No way. EVER. 6870 compares to a 5890, if that. The 560ti is one of the best cards on the market atm. Especially the EVGA superclocked version, make sure you have a big enough psu, a pci2.0x16 slot on your mb, and have enough room in your case.

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