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my Closet Grow inside my Homemade Growbox

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by J4K3ST3R, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. #1 J4K3ST3R, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Alright guys, i have a small plant growing in my closet. Inside of a growbox i built awhile back... and this is my plant...
    my question is this a healthy plant?

    im also going to Oklahoma for the holidays for a few days...
    i have a timer on my light which is set to 12/12... and ill water it heavily before i leave.
  2. Wrong section but it looks fine, a little over-watered?
  3. It looks like you're drowning it.
  4. I'm no grower, but there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it. Sweet plant man, enjoy the grow!
  5. i watered it really heavy before we leave for the holidays because its going to have to go a week without getting watered...
  6. Post in the indoor grow section for more responses.

    The stem looks really purple, it may be a problem.. over watered? but it can also be the pheno. Nothing big to worry about.

    It's looking healthy so far. 12/12 - is it an auto strain? If you veg'd it (16/8 or 18/6 or 24/24) you'll increase your yield substantially. Otherwise keep it up and try not to give her to much love ;):hippie:
  7. you need holes in the bottom of that cup
  8. i added a hole at the bottom and placed a reflector right at the base of the plant so it drips into a cup.
  9. The plants going good now. It's moving along really nice and easy.

    Attached Files:

  10. yes, you will get about 2 - 5 ounces from that.....

    jk. We cant tell if its going to be a succesfull grow. It depends how well you look after it.
  11. Why do you have the timer on 12/12? And a small seedling without water for a week in that tiny cup will suffer.
  12. Well, when I first made this thread the plant was getting really over watered. But now it's being properly kept up and it's under a 12/12 light cycle.
  13. if you leave it a week it will die that cup wont hold enough water to keep it alive
  14. I am only leaving for a day and a half... It will be fine
  15. so a week or a day and a half? and again, is there a reason why you have it under 12/12 from start?
  16. probably cuz he wants a small fast grow nothing wrong with 12/12 from seed
  17. I got back from Oklahoma today (Christmas) and i checked on the plant. watered it pretty good and heres the pics:hello:
    ill post pics again on the 3rd week.

    Today the plant is 2 weeks old i think. ive lost track ive been busy...
  18. i want this plant to get about a foot and a half tall at most. how much do you think a plant like that would yield?
  19. :(really? no comments...

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