my church turned hermie/what next?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by somethinfishy, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. I never had a hermie plant before but the church I grew is definately one. It suffered a little stress early on so maybe this caused it. I read on a few threads that this strain does that someitmes. Anyway I am four weeks into flowering and I am wondering what everyone does with hermie plants? Luckily my main area got to crowded for it so I moved it to my smaller space. Should I grow it out or trash it?
  2. trash it move on
  3. breed it with a female and u will have femanized seeds
  4. High there, just grow it out if it aint gonna seed any other plants. You should still get some dank bud.

    I have seen some bad GHS church grows around GC, such a shame as the high is meant to be fantastic.

    Good luck
  5. Isolate it, grow it out and make hash!
  6. Breeding a plant from feminised seed which hermied will only give you a higher ratio of hermie seeds. The trait is already there, by doing so you will just establish the trait more. Making feminised seeds is far more in depth than just pollinating another female with pollen from a hermie plant.

    OP: Just grow it out, 4 weeks in, another 4-5 weeks, why not. Chances are any seeds that form will be sterile, however you never know for I have seen the seeds grow to produce decent plants. You should still get some above avg. bud from the plant, and you spent money on the seeds, so it would be a waste to just kill it after the money, time, and effort you have put into it. You should at least get some kind of reward for your money & time.

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