Alright guys it's Pot Passion here to bring you my grow journal, I currently have 3 plants, 2 CH9 Critical Mass 33, and a green house seed co White Widow. I am going to update this forum everyday so the community can help me out and give me tips as I go, open to all criticism. (I USE A 200W CFL WITH 2 6" fans, a 4" inline with a carbon filter, and a humidifier. I mixed my own soil, I use pro mix, perlight, black worm castings and dolomite lime, and my nutrient of choice is Advanced nutrients sensizym) BTW I TRIMMED THE ONE, FEMed both CM & SUPER CROPPED BOTH CM (THE JOURNAL STARTS FROM DAY 22)  On the left is the CM & WW and the right the CM by itself DAY 22 CM, WW CM DAY 23
I posted a couple on this thread a couple days ago, its at the bottom: The WW smells so sweet right now at 9 weeks, i had to germinate another for the next round. Plan on a few weeks longer than the GH estimate, maybe up to 11 weeks, especially if you use cfls. Mine started out weak compared to the trainwrecks, thought i might can them. But then boom in flower and they are doing great under lst with many colas.