I went to work at 1pm, went on lunch at 4pm and came outside to discover my car was not there. I thought i might of parked somewhere else, but that was not the case. My car was indeed gone, so i ran inside my work and called the police. They came, I filed a report, and now its the waiting game. I also had about .5g of bud along with my pipe, eyedrops, and lighter in my middle console. Not really worried, because my friends told me to just pin it on the person. Plus i have a clean record, so idk whats going to happen. Its now night with no call back, so I'm thinking its gone forever. My insurance wont even cover theft, just damage. My grandpa said i could borrow his truck for a bit, so thats good for now. thought I'd share my story, nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I'm just staying calm, no need to worry. It does suck though...
being a car enthusiast i think car thieves are the scum of the earth. hope you get your car back, hopefully its just a joy rider and not someone hauling it to a chop shop. what car was it?
What kind of car was it ? You'll get a car back when they find it ..... Hopefully some tweakers didnt strip your car looking for something that's not there
yeah its gone. sorry bro. civics are one of the most stolen cars. its probably already stripped and they smoked your weed. it sucks but im like 90% positive you'll never see it again. dont want to sound negative but its probably true. ill be amazed if you get it back.
Reminds me of when my car was stolen..Or should i say my girlfriends I was working and was in a rush, left the keys in the car for 6 minutes (in an enclosed parking lot for two cars which no one belonged in) and came outside to the car gone. I thought at first someone was fucking with me but i called 911 and withing 8 minutes it was found getting on the interstate 1 hour bound til it got to a chop shop. I hope you find yours..im sure you will...hopefully without damage
This is one reason I am happy to drive a truck that looks like rolling heap of shit. No one would EVER think of stealing, or even breaking into my truck. Sorry to hear of your troubles OP. Hope this has a happy ending.
Yeah I hope there's a happy ending too. Ill have my grandpa's nice dodge Ram tomorrow, and have that for this week. I have no idea whats going to happen after that.
Damn that sucks. I can't imagine that feeling dude. Very sorry for your horrible luck. Fucking thieves.
Sucks your insurance won't cover theft. If it was striped and they find the body will they pay to replace the parts taken?
[quote name='"Apollyon1325"']Sucks your insurance won't cover theft. If it was striped and they find the body will they pay to replace the parts taken?[/quote] I have no idea
Sorry to hear man, major fuckin bummer. Don't worry though karma is a bitch for the asshole who took it
im sorry about that man! i hope you find it all in one piece! i love my cars and would die if this happened to me!
Well the police found my car, unfortunately the windshield is smashed in 3 spots, the driver side mirror is gone, my plates are gone, and my car is hella dirty inside and out. It could of been worse, It still hella sucks though.