My Cannabis suddenly went "soggy"? What could have happened?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Nightfall Shadow, Oct 31, 2023.

  1. OK, so I let my cannabis run for a few weeks longer than they should had but they were fairly solid buds under my sweet ars led light in my tent. I flushed the plants out completly. I flushed them out with a few gallons of water each until the run off was below 180. Then I allowed them about a week to soak up what was in the smart pots. Then when I got back from harvest on my final day and ready to begin my harvest I go to cut them down and when I grab a hold of one of them which had the largest Cola I had ever grown ever to steady it while I chopped it down my hand litterally almsot passed right through the entire cola. It has absolutely zero structure. It's not just soft, it literally squished like band new sponge out of a package but softer. I have never encountered this before. I, I don't know wtf happened. I noticed one of the branches in the back of one of my plants which was obscured entirely by everything was completely browned out and dead and after inspecting everything I didn't see anything that looked like mold but 100% of my entire crop is exactly like this.

    What happened? It couldn't be entirely mold because everything was fine one week ago and then 6 days later 100% air on all three plants.
  2. sorry to hear this. Do you have any pictures?
  3. #3 bryan oconner, Oct 31, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    totally soaked the soil ? Were they sitting in very soggy soil ? You said flushed.
    Most people flush like ass holes totally soaking the shit out of the soil causing a hell of a lot of issues
    Im not calling you an asshole . If you did it wrong now you know . I need to make a post how to flush or not a plant properly . .

    Or did you flush as you should . Just use plain water and water the plants when the soil dries up over a weeks of time More info is needed to answer your question.
  4. :confused_2: isn't "flushing" just another word for overwatering??? Thinking you can fix SO MANY THINGS by overwatering????? :rolleyes: Whatever blows your skirt up.:ladiegaga:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Flushing does nothing.
  6. Yes flushing does something . Starves your roots of oxygen stresses the plant soggy stems Few things it does . LOL.
    I know what you were saying .
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  7. Not even sure why it's called flushing. I personally just stop giving them nutrients the last 2 or 3 weeks of flower and let them feed on the nutrients they've built up in their leaves. I just stop feeding and water as normal. Plants start fading big time by the end of it. If you got a nice lush green plant when harvesting, something ain't right, that's just me though lol.

    Flushing for me is when you give your plants to much food and they start burning, you water extra to flush out excess nutrients.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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