My brother turns 21 on Friday.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sfsc, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. He's got work until 10PM on Friday, and then has off work all weekend (he requested off - he works Thursday - Monday and has off Tuesday/Wednesday).

    I was thinking a surprise party but I think that was kind of cheesy when you were 14. Not sure yet.

    He always keeps his facebook logged in on his laptop, so I got on his account, went to the phone book tab, and exported his closer friends to my phone and going to invite them over when I figure out what I'm going to do exactly.

  2. i agree with the strippers. dont just invite every one off his facebook, there might be a bunch of crazy bitches he never called back that he would probably rather not see haha
  3. I know most of his friends. Only nabbed like four people's phone numbers and I knew the other ones. Just inviting them and telling them to use their judgment of to who to bring. :smoke:
  4. Yeah good idea with close friends. I'd trust them, make sure to keep it surprise thats always hardest part.

    Just have lots of Alcohol, and I mean more than you think anyone would ever drink considering it's a 21st bday.

    Strippers are decent idea, funds permitting

    Let us know how it goes!:hello:
  5. Suprisingly, suprise parties actually start to get better when ur an adult.
  6. just get him a stripper and have her say surprize and shit.

    have every one else show up later, he will never see them hide haha
  7. One thing, beer pong, and bitches, wait...that's two things! Hard to mess up.

    good work on having his friends do the inviting

    post pictures of the puke and bitches:smoke:
  8. Someone should really roll him a Bob-Marley Blunt, or a cross-joint(if he smokes), and generally just have lots of Alcohol.

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