So this morning shortly after I got up, my mom and dad call me into their room. They ask me if I've printed anything lately. I say yeah, some college papers I needed but that's all.So my dad handed me these papers folded up. I unfolded them and it turned out to be a full-page print of a pledge offering the signer's soul to Satan for all eternity. He presses me further, asking if I know who did it and why.So it turns out to be my 14 year old brother who printed multiple copies of the pledge for whatever reason. It was disturbing and of course he got into a yelling match with my dad.So all in all, it was a very weird and awkward Sunday morning lol
You should have been like ... "Shit... you weren't suppose to see that ... last part of the ritual is a sacrifice of a loved one... now that you know, you'll never sleep and i won't get my chance :'( "
[quote name="9xKitsun3" post="19409886" timestamp="1390755885"]You should have been like ..."Shit... you weren't suppose to see that ...last part of the ritual is a sacrifice of a loved one... now that you know, you'll never sleep and i won't get my chance :'( " [/quote]As awesome as that would have been, my parents were so mad that would've only gotten me in trouble... I wasn't looking for trouble today
hes most likely confused and in need of a convo with someone that wont "judge" to him and see where his head is actually at...fuck all the satan nonsense, talk to him as a person and let him know whatever he feels is valid...
So is he doing this in a theistic way? Does he actually believe there is satan, and that pledge means something? If he believes in the whole satan thing, then he might have problems to sort out before another school shooting breaks out... but if he doesn't, then it's not a big deal imo
he probably knows it's gonna piss your parents off. i did something similar at that age just to get a reaction from my mom. you know testing boundaries and all that good stuff you do at that age.
Ugh.... as a person who studies LaVayan Satanist ideology, this pisses me off. People think Satanism is some sort of anti-christian religion that worships demons and Satan.... It is not!!!! Satanism is a theology that places you as your own God and nobody else. In Satanism the concept of Satan has nothing to do with a physical being but rather a metaphor embodying personal freedom from restrictive religious confines. Sorry for the rant, but I always have to clear this stuff up every single time I see a thread that has to do with 'Satanism.' It sounds like your brother just wants attention, because printing out a pledge to Satan is useless in the eyes of a Satanist lol. Tell your brother that a true Satanist doesn't even believe in Satan or God and is essentially an atheist who studies a philosophy of self divinity. Mainstream images of Satanism are very misleading and I personally get pissed every-time I see a misrepresentation of the ideologies. Satanism is not a type of Christianity, it is a rejection of the influence and moral values imposed by the church. It is a way of saying we have had enough, and the best way to make them know you have had enough is to utilize their divine enemy as a symbol of freedom.
You probably gave him a deer in headlights look, I'm not fan of those scenarios were you have to think but give a answer quickly or look suspicious but really your just like wtf?
[quote name="lazytoker" post="19411078" timestamp="1390767700"]So is he doing this in a theistic way? Does he actually believe there is satan, and that pledge means something? If he believes in the whole satan thing, then he might have problems to sort out before another school shooting breaks out... but if he doesn't, then it's not a big deal imo[/quote] Oh he's that kind of kid who listens to his "deathcore" music, like suicide silence, pierce the veil and stuff like that. I know he's doing it to be "cool" to his friends, but he didn't do it to piss my parents off because he said he "didn't know it would bother them". I don't personally care as I don't interact with him in any way, but when it upsets my parents (my mom was trying not to burst into tears) it bothers me because that's not really something parents should have to worry about. He does like to get edgy and argumentative when something is out of his comfort zone, but that's his business, really
That is his problem, deathcore is no good, he needs to be listening to some real death metal or maybe some old school black metal. The good stuff! Never tell a metalhead they are just listening to metal to be cool though, people told me that when I was a kid, I am in my 20's and a college honors student and I still listen to metal everyday. All he needs is to be lead away from the mainstream metal like deathcore that buys into silly imagery and he needs to listen to some metal with poetic value. Or... he needs to see that it is all just an image! The whole satanic image thing is fun and that is about it, hardly any bands take that image serious. Don't criticize him for listening to metal though, people do that to metalheads all the time thinking they will grow out of it, but that doesn't explain why most band members of extreme metal bands are in their 30's and 40's and people of those ages make up the majority of the shows.
[quote name="squidrick420" post="19411219" timestamp="1390769311"]Ugh.... as a person who studies LaVayan Satanist ideology, this pisses me off. People think Satanism is some sort of anti-christian religion that worships demons and Satan.... It is not!!!!Satanism is a theology that places you as your own God and nobody else. In Satanism the concept of Satan has nothing to do with a physical being but rather a metaphor embodying personal freedom from restrictive religious confines. Sorry for the rant, but I always have to clear this stuff up every single time I see a thread that has to do with 'Satanism.'It sounds like your brother just wants attention, because printing out a pledge to Satan is useless in the eyes of a Satanist lol. Tell your brother that a true Satanist doesn't even believe in Satan or God and is essentially an atheist who studies a philosophy of self divinity. Mainstream images of Satanism are very misleading and I personally get pissed every-time I see a misrepresentation of the ideologies.Satanism is not a type of Christianity, it is a rejection of the influence and moral values imposed by the church. It is a way of saying we have had enough, and the best way to make them know you have had enough is to utilize their divine enemy as a symbol of freedom. [/quote]Ive made friends with a few satanists and a pagan or two, and they're ordinary people. One's a cat lover, another likes to play video games and chill after work. They share the same disgust as you, because they all catch hate and snide remarks for the way they dress and what they believe. Im with you, I listen to all kinds of metal but I prefer to not listen to that whole depraved teenage angsty type of metal. So when he's talking with his call of duty friends about how he listens to death metal and then says that bands like bring me the horizon fall in that category, I cringe quite hard.Its just a shame because there is a lot of amazing metal bands out there but the majority of people refuse to listen because its just 'screaming and the songs have no meaning'
Yeah it really confuses people when I tell them in the same sentence that I study Satanist, Christian, Buddhist, Daoist, Zoroastrian, Rastafarian, Hindu, Islamic, and Pagan ideologies. They think I am some kind of heathen just because the word Satanist is in there, it literally negates all other religions I study in the minds of close minded Christians lol.
Someone has already said, but there is a theistic satanist and a laveyan satanist that doesnt believe in gods. I hate telling people that im a laveyan satanist cuz they look at me like im hell spawn. Sometimes the same when i say atheist, so i just go by non-religious.Sent from my LG-LS980 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
not totally true LaVayan satanism is not the only form of satanism. anyway i agree hes just trying to be edgy, as far as his parents crying over it im sure thats just adding fuel to the fire. the only solution is to let him mess around with that stuff and he'll eventually grow out of it and cringe when he remembers haha.
Satanists are better than Christians in my opinion, smarter, more caring, more independent, and free to think for themselves. Only imbeciles believe satanism to be evil, if you actually researched it you'd learn it's not evil at all it just endorses indulgence.
because they make money doing it....and releasing an album of jazz standards won't make them any money
If that was my brother Id tell him to dress up as Baphomet for Christmas to fuck with the parents Meant Halloween, but itd be even funnier on Christmas