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My brain hurts after huge bong rips

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by salvucci91, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Does yours? And if so, WHY?! Pain usually indicates something bad is happening, right? If it's the first smoke of the day and I rip a bong hit of some nice sativa strain, I experience intense strips of pain on the top of my brain. As I get higher, I feel it less and less.
  2. How long are you holding in your hits?
  3. Well I doesn't happen any more, but i always use to joke with my friends that my brain was bleeding because of the headaches I got from smoking big ass bongs.
  4. Not much longer than 5 seconds.
  5. Marijuana increases blood to several areas of the brain which means vasodilatation of the blood vessels which causes headaches.
  6. I get a nice head rush after a solid rip but I don't know if I'd describe it as pain.
  7. Your getting a headache which is somewhat normal for alot of smokers.

    Your brain isn't hurting, that's impossible. Your brain cannot feel pain, it doesn't have pain receptors.
  8. I think what you are feeling is pain associated with straining your Diaphram to pull from the Bong. Your diaphram may not be all that strong (your diaphram is the large layer of muscle that is wraped around your chest cavity that Expands and Contracts your lungs to breathe).........and as a Result of your diaphram not able to move the proper CFM of air to pull effeceintly from the bong, it struggles. Your diaphram is also connected to many many neck muscles, and straining your Diaphram can also strain these muscles, causing Temperal Discomfort (Headache).

    Theres been cases of people collapsing lungs becase they attempt to hit a clogged or overpacked bong that their diaphram is not large enough to move air through (Creating a vaccuum inside of your lung).

    My reccomendation is to either make sure that the bowls are packed loosely (Packing tight bowls isnt something to be like "YO YO YO YO TIGHT FAT BOWLS DAWG"....its something to correct and no do in the future)

    My other reccomendation is to Stop smoking bongs. Your diaphram may not be equipped for much more than natural breathing. Look online for some good breathing exercises, then try a bong again.

    But id say better safe than sorry my friend.

    One way to test your diaphram is to hold your breath, time it.....then go underwater and try to hold your breath. If you have a weak diaphram it wont be able to withstand the pressure from being underwater in a swimming pool.
  9. or maybe just a slight headache for them overwhelming burst of smoke into your lungs. the lack of oxygen would aggravate your brain, resulting in slight stress, which can make the brain hurt. this function is a some what sub conscious function.

    what happens when you take smaller hits?
  10. I know if it's my first time smoking for the day and I take a seriously fat rip of some seriously dank herb I can literally feel myself get high as I blow out the hit. I get a tingle around my salivary glands, my face gets hot then cool very fast, and I feel the high seizing my brain which I'm hoping isn't what you're describing as painful.
  11. This is what i search for haha. Ive been smoking so long that only the dankest of dank and the Keifiest of Keif bowls have that effect anymore. Actually the only strain thats had that effet in the past 5 years or so has been white rhinoooo
  12. My head usually goes crazy after big bong rips.. It feels like a heartbeat in my head. Feels kinda nice though
  13. I can't really describe what it's like for me after a big bong hit because I don't have one personally and when I am high by myself > with other people. I actually find smoking weed has been a great remedy for headaches, I don't use excedrin anymore.

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