My Bong. It's a Roor

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by xxjcloudstylesxx, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. #1 xxjcloudstylesxx, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2010
    Hey everyone so I finally got my Roor after a bit of waiting from grasscity. It's a great piece to hit, it really kills. I love the beaker, lets you take huge hits. It's a 3.2, the glass feels a bit thin but it's been good to me so far and still rips like a beast.



  2. #2 shiskaberry, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    the pics are a little large, but that roor is nice. but to be honest i like your gorbachev russian doll even more haha

    EDIT: much better
  3. I made the pics a bit smaller. Lol thanks the doll is pretty legit, it's one of those dolls that smaller ones fit into ^_^
  4. The bong was about $190 on grasscity. The order came out to around $300 with other things I purchased. I bought a Roor diffuser, back ordered, should be here this week.

    I'll get up a milkshot soon hopefully.

    Since I'm showing the Roor, might as well show another piece too. It's a steamroller my girlfriend bought at Gotham, thing is huge, thick, and the hits will kill. Was $110, think we got it for $80 or $90 though.


    it's sitting next to my coin bank lol >_>

  5. Nice man, thing is a beauty.
  6. nice fuckin change jar. i need one of those :smoking:
  7. #8 chris.c, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    Is there no signature? Because the picture on the site shows one. Maybe they aren't putting sigs on the budget tubes anymore, just the 5mm+ stuff. Nice piece nonetheless.

    edit: actually, it looks like grasscity made a mistake on the pictures. 3.2mm little sister isn't supposed to have a signature, they put the 5mm icemaster sig on the rasta beaker picture.<<< sig<<< not supposed to be there

    As you can see the bottom right picture on the little sister is erroneous, that is only supposed to go with the icemaster.

    Sorry for rambling I'm medicated.
  8. That damn change jar is the most retro badass thing I've ever seen! :hello:
  9. Lol. Yeah there's no green squiggle, just the red dot. I love the rasta label though.
  10. Nice tube, great jar, HILARIOUS Gorbachev nesting doll, you should post what it's insides look like ;).
  11. Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Brezhnev, Gorbachev?
  12. hahahahahahahahaha dude those dolls are so much funnier now
  13. Nice pieces man, enjoy! You should put up a milk shot if you could.

    That change jar is fucking wicked!! whered you get that! lol :smoking: + rep!
  14. lolololol

  15. Thanks man, yeah I'm gonna try to put up a milkshot sometime this week. Lol I don't know where the change jar is from, my girlfriend got it for me online though, lol it is fucking awesome though.

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