My blaze spot

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by xWhatUqonDo420x, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. #1 xWhatUqonDo420x, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    I went for a walk and found a little trail. I followed it and blazed. After getting high I went for a lil walk around to check out my surroundings and found a spot to blaze.
    It started as just a hole in the ground and a pushed over tree. I put furniture in it, fresh water for everything, and a machete to chop away branches and establish platforms in the tress.
    Here's what I got

    Pics dont' do justice.

    There will be a hammock suspended in the trees above this spot ^^
    I spy 4 torches. Lights the place up at night.
    The last picture is where I am going to build a tower. I call it the view.
    It's about 50ft up. I'm trying to get everything up in the trees like Peter Pan's hideout thing. :p

    What do you guys think?
  2. I am soooooo fuckin jealous
  3. thanks man. I've put alot of work into it.
    I got a broom to keep it clean too. :p
  4. It's either you went hiking 2feet away from what looks like your house...or your spot could be found out by servicing whatever's behind the fence...

    but nice spot..
  5. #5 xWhatUqonDo420x, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2012
    I've put up several hedge trees to block the areas so they cannot see in. Plus the whole area is heavily wooded and nobody comes around.
  6. Damn son!
    Me and my buddies had a base like that back in the day, but it wasn't that elaborate. We just had a sofa and a couple of buckets for chairs. Nice spot
  7. Dude that's awesome!
  8. That's pretty chill dude.
  9. thanks man. I go there like every day with my buddies hahaha.
  10. I like it but I'd sketch out every time I left it, leaving all that stuff in the open :s Nice spot, though :D
  11. Hoooly shitt that is crazy man, props to you. Only thing I would say is to make sure you guys pick up your trash, and maybe get some plastic covers for the couches. Another thing that would be really sick for you guys to have is one of those Biolite stoves so that you can charge your phones and shit. They're pretty expensive, but it seems like it would fit your guys' getup perfectly.
  12. [quote name='"justcruzn"']Hoooly shitt that is crazy man, props to you. Only thing I would say is to make sure you guys pick up your trash, and maybe get some plastic covers for the couches. Another thing that would be really sick for you guys to have is one of those Biolite stoves so that you can charge your phones and shit. They're pretty expensive, but it seems like it would fit your guys' getup perfectly.[/quote]

    And from the sun vro
  13. Well when new people come to that spot, they can't find the entrance usually, so im not worried about the stuff being stolen or something. I thought about bringing out bags for the couch to cover it up, but we (me) are planning on moving into the trees and building platforms. The couch is on the back burner right now. The sun doesn't bother us in there, it just keeps us warm :)

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