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My birthday!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by L money 910, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Okay so my birthday is February 18th! im turning 19 and i was wondering what to do! im having a party at my friends how should i go about it? how much weed should i get? My dealer is my one of my good friends and me and him smoke a blunt or 2 a day of dank so my tolerance is kinda up there. I will prlly have a couple beers and mmaybe shots too so i am going to be fucked up... any advice?
  2. Don't get too much, maybe your friends will smoke you up on your birthday.
  3. Yeah im hoping so... i plan on facing 2 blunts and probably a couple bowls so hopefully that fucks me up enough especially with a 2 week t-Break
  4. How many people?

    And.................Happy early b-day !:hello:

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